You both seperate for a moment to limber up.
It's now time for the face off...
[[Stare aggressively]]
[[Look away]]{
(set: $stance to 'Orthodox')
(set: $oppStance to 'Orthodox')
(set: $confidence to 0)
(if: $confidence > 10) [(set: $confidence to 10)]
(if: $confidence < -10) [(set: $confidence to -10)]
(set: $grounded to false)
(set: $stamina to 100)
(set: $speed to 92)
(set: $power to 78)
(set: $footwork to 78)
(set: $footDiff to ($footwork - $oppFootwork))
(set: $headHealth to 100)
(set: $bodyHealth to 100)
(set: $leftLegHealth to 100)
(set: $rightLegHealth to 100)
(set: $oppHeadHealth to 100)
(set: $oppBodyHealth to 100)
(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to 100)
(set: $oppRightLegHealth to 100)
<!-- player & opponent status -->
(set: $clinch to 'neutral')
(set: $opponentAttack to 'Nothing')
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(set: $everyAttack to 0)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to 0)
<!-- power & toughness -->
(set: $power to 90)
(set: $toughness to 80)
(set: $damageDifference to ($power - $oppToughness))
(set: $oppDamageDifference to ($oppPower - $toughness))
<!-- speed -->
(set: $speed to 92)
(set: $speedDiff to ($speed - $oppSpeed))
<!-- Striking -->
(set: $strAttack to 80)
(set: $strDefence to 80)
(set: $oppStrDiff to ($oppStrAttack - $strDefence))
(set: $strDiff to ($strAttack - $oppStrDefence))
<!-- wrestling -->
(set: $wrestAttack to 60)
(set: $wrestDefence to 60)
(set: $oppWrestDiff to ($oppWrestAttack - $wrestDefence))
(set: $wrestDiff to ($wrestAttack - $oppWrestDefence))
<!-- submissions -->
(set: $subAttack to 82)
(set: $subDefence to 82)
(set: $oppSubDiff to ($oppSubAttack - $subDefence))
(set: $subDiff to ($subAttack - $oppSubDefence))
<!-- this turn -->
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,100))
(set: $CA to 'off')
(set: $CA2 to 'off')
<!-- Health -->
(set: $headHealth to (100 - $headDamage))
(set: $oppHeadHealth to (100 - $oppHeadDamage))
(set: $bodyHealth to (100 - $bodyDamage))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to (100 - $oppBodyDamage))
(set: $rightLegHealth to (100 - $rightLegDamage))
(set: $leftLegHealth to (100 - $leftLegDamage))
(set: $oppRightLegHealth to (100 - $oppRightLegDamage))
(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to (100 - $oppLeftLegDamage))
(set: $stamina to (100 + $staminaAffect))
(set: $oppStamina to (100 + $oppStaminaAffect))
(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $oppStaminaDiff to ($oppStamina - $stamina))
(if: $stamina > 100) [(set: $stamina to 100)]
(if: $stamina < 0) [(set: $stamina to 0)]
(if: $oppStamina > 100) [(set: $oppStamina to 100)]
(if: $oppStamina < 0) [(set: $oppStamina to 0)]
(if: $headHealth > 100) [(set: $headHealth to 100)]
(if: $headHealth < 0) [(set: $headHealth to 0)]
(if: $oppHeadHealth > 100) [(set: $oppHeadHealth to 100)]
(if: $oppHeadHealth < 0) [(set: $oppHeadHealth to 0)]
(if: $bodyHealth > 100) [(set: $bodyHealth to 100)]
(if: $bodyHealth < 0) [(set: $bodyHealth to 0)]
(if: $oppBodyHealth > 100) [(set: $oppBodyHealth to 100)]
(if: $oppBodyHealth < 0) [(set: $oppBodyHealth to 0)]
(if: $rightLegHealth > 100) [(set: $rightLegHealth to 100)]
(if: $rightLegHealth < 0) [(set: $rightLegHealth to 0)]
(if: $leftLegHealth > 100) [(set: $leftLegHealth to 100)]
(if: $leftLegHealth < 0) [(set: $leftLegHealth to 0)]
(if: $oppRightLegHealth > 100) [(set: $oppRightLegHealth to 100)]
(if: $oppRightLegHealth < 0) [(set: $oppRightLegHealth to 0)]
(if: $oppLeftLegHealth > 100) [(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to 100)]
(if: $oppLeftLegHealth < 0) [(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to 0)]}{(set: $stamina to (100 + $staminaAffect))
(if: $dundeeAgg is not "Attack")[(set: $madDundee to "no")]
(set: $clinch to 'neutral')
(set: $oppClinchStrength to 0)
(set: $opponentAttack to 'Nothing')
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(set: $squeeze to 0)
(if: $stamina > 100) [(set: $stamina to 100)]
(if: $stamina < 0) [(set: $stamina to 0)]
(set: $fight to 'on')}{
[[Punch]] - Punch your opponent.
[[Kick]] - Kick your opponent.
[[Wrestle]] - Wrestle your opponent.
[[Catch A Breath]] - Increase your stamina and momentarily your defence.
[[Pressure]] - Fight aggressively, defensively or balanced.
[[Feint]] - Slightly increase your attack and defence.
[[Fight Thoughts]] - Notice flaws in your opponent that you can exploit.
[[Personal thoughts]] - Look for personal inspiration.
[[Switch Stance]] - Switch stance to protect an injured leg.
[[Your Stats]]
Stamina: (round: $stamina)%
Head Health: (round: $headHealth)%
Body Health: (round: $bodyHealth)%
Left Leg Health: (round:$leftLegHealth)%
Right Leg Health: (round: $rightLegHealth)%
[[Opponent Stats]]
Stamina: (round: $oppStamina)%
Head Health: (round: $oppHeadHealth)%
Body Health: (round: $oppBodyHealth)%
Left Leg Health: (round: $oppLeftLegHealth)%
Right Leg Health: (round: $oppRightLegHealth)%{ (if: $position is not 'Grounded')[
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Jab','Jab','Strike','Strike','Strike','Strike','Breath','Breath','Defend','Feint'))
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(if: $opponentAttack is 'Strike')[(set: $oppStrike to (either: 'Straight','Straight','Straight','Straight','Body Shot','Body Shot','Body Shot','Hook','Hook','Hook','Hook', 'SBF', 'Leg Kick','Leg Kick','Leg Kick', 'Body Kick', 'Body Kick', 'Head Kick','Head Kick','FK'))]]
}{(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $jab to (random:1,100))
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $jab to it - 10)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $jab to it - 5)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
(display: "Opponent Counter Jab")
(if: ($jabs is <= 6) and ($counterAttack is 'off'))[
(display: "Jab Attack")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Knockdown/out")
{(if: ($fight is 'on') and ($jabs is <= 6) and ($counterAttack is 'off'))
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")]
(display: "Health")
(if: $jabs is > 6)[(display: "Knockdown/out")]
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(if: $counterAttack is 'on')[(set: $counterAttack to 'off')]
{<!-- end of round -->
(if: $moves is > 33 and ($fight is 'on') and ($round1 is 'yes'))[It's the end of the round!
[[Corner]](set: $fight to 'off')(set: $opponentAttack to 'n/a')(set: $jab to 10000)
](if: $moves is > 70 and ($fight is 'on') and ($round2 is 'yes'))[It's the end of the round!
[[Corner]](set: $fight to 'off')(set: $opponentAttack to 'n/a')(set: $jab to 10000)
](if: $moves is > 110 and ($fight is 'on') and ($round3 is 'yes'))[It's the end of the fight!
(display: 'Corner')
{[[Corner->1]](set: $fight to 'off')(set: $opponentAttack to 'n/a')(set: $jab to 10000)}{
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($oppHeadHealth is <= 20) and ( $dundeeDefensive is 0)) [He's in big trouble and just looking to survive!
(display: "Dundee Survival")
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Survival")
](if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($oppStamina is <= 40) and ( $dundeeDefensive is 0)) [He's looking tired!
(display: "Dundee Survival")
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Survival")
](if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($headHealth is < 20) and ($oppHeadHealth is > 20) and ($dundeeAgg is not "Survival") and ( $dundeeAggression is 0)) [He sees you're in trouble and is coming in for the finish!
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Attack")
(display: "Dundee Attack")
](if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($oppStamina > 40 and $oppStamina < 75)) [He's slowed down a bit.
(display: "Dundee Standard")
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Standard")
](if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($oppStamina is >= 75) and ($oppHeadHealth is > 20) and ($dundeeAgg is not "Survival") and ( $dundeeAggression is 0)) [He's coming forward aggressively!
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Attack")
(display: "Dundee Attack")
](else-if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($dundeeAgg is not "Survival") and ($dundeeAgg is not "Attack")) [
(display: "Dundee Standard")
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Standard")
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid')) [(display: "The Kid Attack")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze')) [(display: "Eze Attack")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos')) [(display: "Magovos Attack")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete')) [(display: "Pete Attack")]
}{(set: $jab to ($confidence + $footDiff + $jab + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $staminaDiff + $everyAttack))
<!-- player jab result -->
(if: $jab <= 10)
[Sloppy jab.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Jab','Strike'))
(set: $oppJabCounter to it + 5)
(set: $jabc to it -2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -3)
(if: $jab >= 11 and <= 38)
[The jab misses.
(set: $jabc to it -1)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -3)
(if: $jab >= 39 and <= 50)
[The jab grazes his cheek.(set: $jabc to it -1)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $jab >= 51 and <= 77)
[The jab lands.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $jab1 + ($damageDifference / 5))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $jab >= 78 and <= 92)
[A solid jab connects.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $jab2 + ($damageDifference / 4))
(set: $jabc to it +1)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $jab >= 93 and <= 100)
[The jab lands flush.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $jab3 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $jabc to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $jab >= 101 and <= 103)
[The jab staggers him!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $jab4 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $jabc to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $jab >= 104 and <= 500)
[He's down from the jab!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $jab5 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $jabc to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
{(if: $headHealth is < 1 and $fights is not 'again')[This looks like it is over!!(set: $headHealth to 0)(set: $fight to 'off')
](if: $oppHeadHealth is < 1 and $fights is not 'again')[(set: $oppHeadHealth to 0)
(set: $fight to 'off')
[[End Choice]]
](if: $bodyHealth is < 1 and $fights is not 'again')[(set: $bodyHealth to 0)(set: $fight to 'off')[[You're down and struggling to breath!! Surely it's over?!->Survival]]
(set: $oppBodyHealth to (100 - $oppBodyDamage))
](if: $oppBodyHealth is < 1 and $fights is not 'again')[(set: $oppBodyHealth to 0)(set: $fight to 'off')[[He's down, gasping for air!! Surely it's over?!->End Choice]]]
(if: $rightLegHealth < 1 and $fights is not 'again') [(set: $rightLegHealth to 0)(set: $fight to 'off')[[You can't stand any more!! Surely it's over?!->Survival]]
](if: $leftLegHealth < 1 and $fights is not 'again') [(set: $leftLegHealth to 0)(set: $fight to 'off')[[You can't stand any more!! Surely it's over?!->Survival]]
](if: $oppRightLegHealth < 1 and $fights is not 'again') [(set: $oppRightLegHealth to 0)(set: $fight to 'off')[[He's down, holding his leg!! It looks like this is over?!->End Choice]]
](if: $oppLeftLegHealth < 1 and $fights is not 'again') [(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to 0)(set: $fight to 'off')[[He's down, holding his leg!! It looks like this is over?!->End Choice]]
](if: $oppPosition is 'grounded' and ($fight is 'on'))[[Full Mount]]}[[Ground and Pound->Ground and pound]]
[[Submission attempt->Submission]]
(set: $clinch to 'Full Mount')Stance: $stance
Speed: $speed
Power: $power
Toughness: $toughness
Confidence: $confidence
Footwork: $footwork
Striking Attack: $strAttack
Striking Defence: $strDefence
Wrestling Attack: $wrestAttack
Wrestling Defence: $wrestDefence
Submission Attack: $subAttack
Submission Defence: $subDefence
Stance: $stance
Speed: $oppSpeed
Power: $oppPower
Toughness: $oppToughness
Confidence: $oppConfidence
Footwork: $oppFootwork
Striking Attack: $oppStrAttack
Striking Defence: $oppStrDefence
Wrestling Attack: $oppWrestAttack
Wrestling Defence: $oppWrestDefence
Submission Attack: $oppSubAttack
Submission Defence: $oppSubDefence
[[Body Shot]]
[[Spinning Backfist]]
[[Leg Kick]]
[[Body Kick]]
[[Head Kick]]
[[Flying Knee]][[Clinch]]
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')Largely increase attack against chosen move, slightly decrease defence against all others.
[[Jab->Counter Jab]]
[[Straight->Counter Straight]]
[[Hook->Counter Hook]]
[[Body Shot->Counter Body Shot]]
[[Spinning Backfist->Counter Spinning Backfist]]
[[Leg Kick->Counter Leg Kick]]
[[Body Kick->Counter Body Kick]]
[[Head Kick->Counter Head Kick]]
[[Takedown->Counter Takedown]]
[[No Counter->No Counter]]
Deep breath.
(set: $moves to it +1)
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $defence to 30)
(set: $staminaAffect to it +7)
}{(if: $oppPosition is 'Grounded')[He gets back up. (set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')] (else:)[(display: "Opponent Ready")]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')[[Aggressive]] - Increase attack, decrease defence
[[Defensive]] - Increase defence, decrease attack
[[Balanced]] - No change to attack or defenceYou throw a feint.
{(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $moves to it +1)
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $defence to it + 20)
(set: $staminaAffect to it +3)
}{(display: "Opponent Ready")
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to it - 20){(set: $fightThought to ($moves + $fightThoughts))
(set: $moves to it + 2)
(if: $dundeeAgg is "Attack")[
//I've got to concentrate, he's got a mad look in his eyes!//
](if: ($dundeeAgg is "Attack") and ($fightThought >= 7 and < 20))[
//He's dangerous right now, I have to focus.//
](if: $fightThought >= 20 and < 40)[//I've got to tire him out.//
](if: ($dundeeAgg is "Attack") and ($fightThought >= 40))[
//He's getting weaker as the fight goes on.//
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $staminaAffect to it + 2)
}{(if: $oppPosition is 'Grounded')[He gets back up. (set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')] (else:)[(display: "Opponent Ready")]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(if: $ft is 'yes')[(set: $fightThought to it + 10)
(set: $ft to 'no'){(set: $personalThought to it +1)
(if: $personalThought is 1)[//I have to do this for my brother!//(set: $staminaAffect to it +6)]
(if: $personalThought is 2)[//When this is all done, and I'm back home, I'm going to get some cheese tacos.//(set: $staminaAffect to it +2)]
(if: $personalThought is 3)[//I wonder if she's watching...//(set: $staminaAffect to it +10)]
(if: $personalThought is 4)[//Wax on, wax off.//(set: $movement to it +3)]
(if: $personalThought is 5)[//It is weird to fight someone when you're pretty much naked.//(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)(set: $movement to it -3)]
(if: $personalThought is 6)[//Man he has big nipples.//(set: $staminaAffect to it +2)(set: $movement to it +2)]
(if: $personalThought is 7)[//I used to watch this guy's boxing fights, and now I'm fighting him. Surreal!//(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)(set: $movement to it +4)]
(if: $personalThought is 8)[//My stomach feels iffy, maybe it was the waxed lemon I grated into my smoothie..//(set: $staminaAffect to it -8)(set: $movement to it -2)]
(if: $personalThought is 9)[//This year I'm going to put myself first.//(set: $confidence to 5)]
(if: $personalThought is 10)[//My abs are better than his abs, I think. To much drinking for this one.//(set: $confidence to it -5)]
}{(set: $moves to it +1)
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $staminaAffect to it +6)
}{(display: "Opponent Ready")
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats"){(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee')) [(display: "Dundee Fight Chat")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos')) [(display: "Magovos Fight Chat")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze')) [(display: "Eze Fight Chat")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete'))[(display: "Pete Fight Chat")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid'))[(display: "The Kid Fight Chat")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Kazushi'))[(display: "Kazushi Fight Chat")]
}{(set: $moves to it +1)
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $staminaAffect to it +6)
}(if: $stance is 'Orthodox')[You switch to southpaw.(set: $stance to 'Southpaw')](else-if: $stance is 'Southpaw')[You switch to orthodox.(set: $stance to 'Orthodox')]
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing'){(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $straight to (random:1,100))
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $defence to it - 2)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $straight to it - 12)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $straight to it - 6)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
}{(display: "Opponent Counter Straight")
(if: $straights is <= 4)[
(display: "Straight Attack")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Knockdown/out")
(if: ($fight is 'on') and ($straights is <= 4))
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")]
(display: "Health")
(if: $jabs is > 6)[(display: "Knockdown/out")]
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to it + 2){(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $hook to (random:1,100))
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $defence to it - 5)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $hook to it - 12)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $hook to it - 6)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
}{(display: "Opponent Counter Hook")
(if: $hooks is <= 4)[
(display: "Hook Attack")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Knockdown/out")
{(if: ($fight is 'on') and ($straights is <= 4))
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")]
(display: "Health")
(if: $hooks is > 4)[(display: "Knockdown/out")]
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to it + 5){(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $body to (random:1,100))
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $defence to it - 7)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $body to it - 12)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $body to it - 6)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
(display: "Opponent Counter Body Shot")
(if: $bShots is <= 4)[
(display: "Body Shot Attack")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Knockdown/out")
{(if: ($fight is 'on') and ($bShots is <= 4))
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")]
(display: "Health")
(if: $hooks is > 4)[(display: "Knockdown/out")]
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to it + 7){(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $sbf to (random:1,100))
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $defence to it - 14)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $sbf to it - 15)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $sbf to it - 8)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
}(display: "Spinning Backfist Attack")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Knockdown/out"){
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to it + 14){
<!-- opponent jab result -->
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,100))
(set: $reaction to it + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppEveryAttack - $strDiff - $speedDiff - $footDiff + $agg)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($reaction is <= 33) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses his jab. (set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($reaction is >= 34 and <= 50))[You block his jab. (set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)(set: $oppEveryAttack to -2)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($reaction is >= 51 and <= 66) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He hits you with his jab.(set: $headDamage to it + $oppJab1 + ($oppDamageDifference / 5)) (set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($reaction is >= 67 and <= 90) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He gets you with a stiff jab.
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppJab2 + ($oppDamageDifference / 4))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($reaction is >= 91 and <= 96) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[Your head flies back as a power jab lands.(set: $headDamage to it + $oppJab3 + ($oppDamageDifference / 3))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -1)(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($reaction is >= 97 and <= 110) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He lands a massive jab!(set: $headDamage to it + $oppJab4 + ($oppDamageDifference / 2))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($reaction is > 110) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You're down from his counter jab!(set: $headDamage to it + $oppJab5 + ($oppDamageDifference))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)(set: $position to 'Grounded')]}{
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,300))
(set: $reaction to it + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppEveryAttack - $wrestDiff - $speedDiff - $footDiff)
<!-- opponent takedown result -->
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($reaction is <= 10) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He takes you down but you get him in a guillotine!!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -10)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(set: $position to 'Grounded')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'sub')
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($reaction is >= 11 and <= 150) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You stuff his takedown.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -16)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($reaction is >= 151 and <= 200) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He gets you in a clinch.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($reaction is >= 201) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He takes you down!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -13)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,100))
(set: $reaction to it + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppEveryAttack + $oppStrDiff + $oppSpeedDiff - $footDiff)
<!-- opponent strike result -->
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is <= 0))
[He steps back and misses with a low kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 1 and <= 2) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He leaps in with a flying knee but you counter and take him down!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -12)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $position to 'Grounded')
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 3 and <= 4))[He leaps in with a flying knee but misses.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -11)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 5 and <= 9))
[He steps back and misses with a low kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 10 and <= 12) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses with a body kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 13 and <= 15) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses with a head kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 16 and <= 21) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses with the straight.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 22 and <= 26) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses with the lead hook.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 27 and <= 29) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses with a body shot.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 30 and <= 31) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses with a teep kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 32 and <= 33) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses with a spinning back fist.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 34 and <= 35) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He misses with a front kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 36 and <= 40) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You check his low kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 41 and <= 42))
[He attempts a flying knee but it's blocked.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -10)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 43 and <= 45) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[His body kick is blocked.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -7)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 46 and <= 48) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You block his head kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -9)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 49 and <= 54) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[His straight is blocked.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 55 and <= 59) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You block his lead hook.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 60 and <= 62) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[His body shot is blocked.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 63 and <= 64) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You block his teep kick.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 66 and <= 66) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You block his spinning back fist.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 67 and <= 67) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[His front kick is blocked.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -7)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 68 and <= 72) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[He catches you with a low kick.
(set: $leftLegDamage to it + $oppLKick + ($oppDamageDifference / 5))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 68 and <= 72) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He catches you with a low kick.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it + $oppLKick + ($oppDamageDifference / 3))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 73 and <= 75) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He catches you with a body kick.
(set: $bodyDamage to it + $oppBKick1 + ($oppDamageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - $oppBKick1 - ($oppDamageDifference / 3))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 76 and <= 77) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You block his head kick but it still gets through.
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppHKick1 + ($oppDamageDifference / 3))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 78 and <= 83) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He catches you with a straight.
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppStraight1 + ($oppDamageDifference / 3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 84 and <= 88) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He sneaks in a lead hook.
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppLHook1 + ($oppDamageDifference / 3))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 89 and <= 91) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You're caught with a body punch.
(set: $bodyDamage to it + $oppBPunch1 + ($oppDamageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - $oppBPunch1 - ($oppDamageDifference / 3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 92 and <= 94) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He gets in a teep kick.
(set: $bodyDamage to it + $oppTKick1 + ($oppDamageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - $oppTKick1 - ($oppDamageDifference / 3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 95 and <= 96) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He's hurt you with a body kick!
(set: $bodyDamage to it + $oppBKick2 + ($oppDamageDifference / 2))(set: $staminaAffect to it - $oppBKick2 - ($oppDamageDifference / 2))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 97 and <= 98) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You're hit with a big head kick!
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppHKick2 + ($oppDamageDifference / 2))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 99 and <= 103) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[A big straight catches you clean!
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppStraight2 + ($oppDamageDifference / 2))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 104 and <= 106) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You're caught with a big lead hook!
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppLHook2 + ($oppDamageDifference / 2))(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 107 and <= 108) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[A huge body punch has you gasping!
(set: $bodyDamage to it + $oppBPunch2 + ($oppDamageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - $oppBPunch2 - ($oppDamageDifference / 2))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is >= 109 and <= 110) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[Clean teep kick to your body connects!
(set: $bodyDamage to it + $oppTKick2 + ($oppDamageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - $oppTKick2 - ($oppDamageDifference / 2))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is 111) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You're down from a body kick!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $bodyDamage to it + $oppBKick3 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - $oppBKick3 - ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is 112) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[A big head kick has you on the floor!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppHKick3 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is 113) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[A huge straight puts you down!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppStraight3 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is 114) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[A massive lead hook catches you out and puts you down!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppLHook3 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is 115) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[Down you go from a crunching body punch!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $bodyDamage to it + $oppBPunch3 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - $oppBPunch3 - ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is 116) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[A spinning back fist, and you're down!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppSBFist2 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is 117) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[Front kick to the face and you collapse!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppFKick2 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is 118) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[You're caught with a flying knee, this could be over!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppFKnee2 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -10)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Strike') and ($reaction is > 118) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[A straight crumples you to the ground!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $headDamage to it + 101)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Breath') and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He takes a step back to recompose himself.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it +6)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend') and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He's just looking to defend right now.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it +2)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint') and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))
[He feints, as he looks to set up his next attack.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it +2)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(if: $dundeeAgg is not "Attack")[(set: $madDundee to "no")]
{(if: $headHealth is 0 and ($fight is not 'again'))[
[[Survival]] (set: $fight to 'off')
](if: $fight is 'on' and ($position is 'grounded'))[[Survive->Defend pressure]]
(if: $fight is 'on' and ($position is 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))[[Survive->Defend pressure]]
(if: $fight is 'on' and ($position is 'Standing') and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($clinch is 'defendGrap'))[[Clinch]]
(if: $fight is 'on' and ($position is 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is 'Grounded') and ($clinch is 'sub'))[[Submission]]
(if: ($oppPosition is 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is not 'sub'))[[Full Mount]]
(if: ($position is 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on') and ($oppPosition is 'Grounded') and ($clinch is 'defendTake'))[[Survive->Defend pressure]]
}(if: ($fight is 'on') and ($position is 'Standing') and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($clinch is 'neutral'))[
[[Catch A Breath]]
[[Fight Thoughts]]
[[Personal thoughts]]
[[Switch Stance]]
<!-- end of round -->
(set: $fight to 'on')
(set: $moves to it +4)
}(display: "Round time"){
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'true')
(set: $clinch to 'oppSub')
(display: "Health")
(set: $oppSubGrip to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubGrip to ($oppSubGrip + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff))
(if: $oppSubGrip <= 20)[(set: $clinch to 'sub')(set: $subGrip to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subGrip to ($subGrip + $subDiff + $staminaDiff))
(if: $subGrip <= 40)[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Poor')]
(if: $subGrip >= 41 and <= 65)[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Average')]
(if: $subGrip >= 66 and <= 85)[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Good')]
(if: $subGrip >= 86 and <= 98)[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Great')]
(if: $subGrip >= 99)[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Exceptional')]
(if: $clinch is 'sub')[Grip Status: $subGripStatus]
](if: $oppSubGrip >= 21 and <= 50)[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: $oppSubGrip >= 51 and <= 70)[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Poor')]
(if: $oppSubGrip >= 71 and <= 82)[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Average')]
(if: $oppSubGrip >= 83 and <= 92)[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Good')]
(if: $oppSubGrip >= 93 and <= 98)[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Great')]
(if: $oppSubGrip >= 99)[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Exceptional')]
}(if: ($clinch is not 'sub') and ($fight is 'on'))[Opponent's Grip Status: $oppSubGripStatus]
{(if: ($clinch is 'sub') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[You reversed the submission attempt and now have him in a hold!->Submission]]]
(if: ($clinch is 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[You escape the submission attempt and get back on your feet!->He escapes the submission!]]]
}(if: ($clinch is 'oppSub') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[Escape Attempt]]]
(if: $oppSubGripStatus is not 'Poor' and $clinch is 'oppSub')[ [[Fight Grip]]
](if: ($clinch is 'oppSub') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[Focus on Breathing]]]
(display: "Stats"){(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")(display: "Opponent Attack")
(set: $clinch to 'grapple')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppRead to it - 3)
(set: $opponentAttack to 'Takedown')
(set: $reaction to it - $oppStaminaDiff + $wrestDiff + $subDiff - $oppPowerDifference + $oppRead)
(set: $moves to it +3)
}(display: "Round time"){
(if: ($reaction is < 5) and ($newClinch is 'Yes'))[
He catches you as you try to initiate the clinch and you've gone down!
(set: $position to 'grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppStraight3 + ($oppDamageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $newClinch to 'No')
](if: ($reaction is >= 5 and < 25) and ($newClinch is 'Yes')) [
He pushes you away as you try to come in for a clinch.
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -6)
(set: $newClinch to 'No')
](if: ($newClinch is 'Yes') and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is 'grapple'))[
You initiate the clinch.
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(set: $oppSubDiff to ($oppSubAttack - $subDefence))
(set: $subDiff to ($subAttack - $oppSubDefence))
(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $clinchBattle to (random: 1,100))
(set: $clinchStrength to 0)
(set: $oppClinchStrength to 0)
](if: $clinch is 'defendGrap' and ($fight is 'on'))[He has the underhooks.
(set: $oppClinchStrength to 36)]
(set: $reaction to it - $staminaDiff + $oppWrestDiff + $oppSubDiff + $oppClinchStrength - $powerDifference)
(set: $clinchFight to $clinchBattle + $staminaDiff + $wrestDiff + $subDiff + $clinchStrength + $powerDifference - $oppClinchStrength)}
{(if: ($clinchFight is <= 30) and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is 'defendGrap'))[He defends the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:2,12))
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $oppClinchStrength to 36)
](if: ($clinchFight is <= 30) and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is not 'defendGrap'))[Oh, he's got the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:2,12))
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $oppClinchStrength to 36)
](if: ($clinchFight is > 30 and < 65) and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[You both fight for underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:2,12))
(set: $opponentAttack to 'nil')
](if: ($clinchFight is >= 65) and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[You get the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:2,12))
(set: $clinch to 'underhooks')
(set: $opponentAttack to 'nil')
{(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($reaction is <= 10) and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded'))[He takes you down but you get him in a guillotine!!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -15)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(set: $position to 'Grounded')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'sub')
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($reaction is >= 11 and <= 50) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded'))[You stuff his takedown.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -21)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($reaction is >= 51 and <= 66) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded'))[He gets you down and is in full mount.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -10)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(set: $clinch to 'defendFullMount')
(set: $position to 'grounded')
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($reaction is >= 67) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[He takes you down with a big power slam!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -18)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(set: $position to 'Grounded')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,20))
(set: $bodyDamage to it + (random:1,30))
(set: $headDamage to it + (random:1,40))
(if: ($clinch is 'defendTake') and ($fight is 'on'))[
](if: ($clinch is 'sub') and ($fight is 'on'))[
](if: ($clinch is 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on') and ($position is not 'grounded'))[
](if: ($clinch is 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on') and ($position is 'grounded'))[
](if: ($clinch is 'defendFullMount') and ($fight is 'on') and ($position is 'grounded'))[
(if: ($clinch is not 'defendGrap') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($clinch is not 'defendTake') and ($clinch is not 'sub') and ($clinch is not 'defendFullMount') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Fight for Position]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: ($clinch is not 'defendFullMount') and ($clinch is 'underhooks') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[(set: $clinchStrength to + 12)
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: ($clinch is 'defendGrap') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Fight for Position]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $newClinch to 'No'){(display: "Health")
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'true')
(set: $moves to it + 1)
(set: $clinch to 'sub')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 10)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 10)
(display: "Round time")(if: $fight is 'on')[Grip Status = $subGripStatus ]
}(display: "Sub Grip")
(display: "Clinch Scramble")
(display: "Stats")[[Your Stats]]
Stamina: (round: $stamina)
Head Health: (round: $headHealth)
Body Health: (round: $bodyHealth)
Left Leg Health: (round:$leftLegHealth)
Right Leg Health: (round: $rightLegHealth)
[[Opponent Stats]]
Stamina: (round: $oppStamina)
Head Health: (round: $oppHeadHealth)
Body Health: (round: $oppBodyHealth)
Left Leg Health: (round: $oppLeftLegHealth)
Right Leg Health: (round: $oppRightLegHealth)
{(set: $headHealth to (100 - $headDamage))
(set: $oppHeadHealth to (100 - $oppHeadDamage))
(set: $bodyHealth to (100 - $bodyDamage))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to (100 - $oppBodyDamage))
(set: $rightLegHealth to (100 - $rightLegDamage))
(set: $leftLegHealth to (100 - $leftLegDamage))
(set: $oppRightLegHealth to (100 - $oppRightLegDamage))
(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to (100 - $oppLeftLegDamage))
(set: $stamina to (100 + $staminaAffect))
(set: $oppStamina to (100 + $oppStaminaAffect))
(if: $stamina > 100) [(set: $stamina to 100)]
(if: $stamina < 0) [(set: $stamina to 0)]
(if: $oppStamina > 100) [(set: $oppStamina to 100)]
(if: $oppStamina < 0) [(set: $oppStamina to 0)]
(if: $headHealth > 100) [(set: $headHealth to 100)]
(if: $headHealth < 0) [(set: $headHealth to 0)]
(if: $oppHeadHealth > 100) [(set: $oppHeadHealth to 100)]
(if: $oppHeadHealth < 0) [(set: $oppHeadHealth to 0)]
(if: $bodyHealth > 100) [(set: $bodyHealth to 100)]
(if: $bodyHealth < 0) [(set: $bodyHealth to 0)]
(if: $oppBodyHealth > 100) [(set: $oppBodyHealth to 100)]
(if: $oppBodyHealth < 0) [(set: $oppBodyHealth to 0)]
(if: $rightLegHealth > 100) [(set: $rightLegHealth to 100)]
(if: $rightLegHealth < 0) [(set: $rightLegHealth to 0)]
(if: $leftLegHealth > 100) [(set: $leftLegHealth to 100)]
(if: $leftLegHealth < 0) [(set: $leftLegHealth to 0)]
(if: $oppRightLegHealth > 100) [(set: $oppRightLegHealth to 100)]
(if: $oppRightLegHealth < 0) [(set: $oppRightLegHealth to 0)]
(if: $oppLeftLegHealth > 100) [(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to 100)]
(if: $oppLeftLegHealth < 0) [(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to 0)]
(set: $oppStrAttack to ($oppStrAttack + $oppAgg))
(set: $oppStrDefence to ($oppStrDefence - $oppAgg))
(set: $strAttack to ($strAttack + $agg))
(set: $strDefence to ($strDefence - $agg))
<!-- power & toughness -->
(set: $damageDifference to ($power - $oppToughness))
(set: $oppDamageDifference to ($oppPower - $toughness))
<!-- speed -->
(set: $speedDiff to ($speed - $oppSpeed))
(set: $oppSpeedDiff to ($oppSpeed - $speed))
<!-- Striking -->
(set: $oppStrDiff to ($oppStrAttack - $strDefence))
(set: $strDiff to ($strAttack - $oppStrDefence))
<!-- wrestling -->
(set: $oppWrestDiff to ($oppWrestAttack - $wrestDefence))
(set: $wrestDiff to ($wrestAttack - $oppWrestDefence))
<!-- submissions -->
(set: $oppSubDiff to ($oppSubAttack - $subDefence))
(set: $subDiff to ($subAttack - $oppSubDefence))
<!-- battle of strength -->
(set: $powerDifference to ($power - $oppPower))
(set: $oppPowerDifference to ($oppPower - $power))
<!-- battle of stamina -->
(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $oppStaminaDiff to ($oppStamina - $stamina))
(set: $straight1 to (random:1,6))
(set: $straight2 to (random:7,14))
(set: $straight3 to (random:15,22))
(set: $straight4 to (random:23,35))
(set: $straight to ($confidence + $footDiff + $straight + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack + $staminaDiff))
(if: $straight and <= 17)
[You're nowhere near with a straight.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Jab','Strike'))
(set: _oppCounter to it + 25)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: $straight >= 18 and <= 34)
[Your straight misses.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: $straight >= 35 and <= 44)
[He dodges your straight.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: $straight >= 45 and <= 50)
[The straight whizzes just by his face.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 51 and <= 60)
[He blocks your straight.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 61 and <= 74)
[Your straight gets through.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 75 and <= 94)
[You hit him with a clean straight.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 95 and <= 101)
[Big straight down the pipe!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight3 + $damageDifference)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 102 and <= 500)
[He's down from the straight!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight4 + ($damageDifference * 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(set: $hook1 to (random:3,17))
(set: $hook2 to (random:18,25))
(set: $hook3 to (random:26,38))
(set: $hook to ($confidence + $footDiff + $hook + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack + $staminaDiff))
(if: $hook and <= 17)
[Your wild hook doesn't get close.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Jab','Strike'))
(set: _oppCounter to it + 35)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(if: $hook >= 18 and <= 34)
[Your hook is off target.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Takedown','Jab','Strike','Breath'))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(if: $hook >= 35 and <= 44)
[He avoids your hook.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Takedown','Jab','Strike','Breath'))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(if: $hook >= 45 and <= 50)
[The hook is close but misses.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Takedown','Jab','Strike','Breath'))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $hook >= 51 and <= 66)
[Your hook is blocked well.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Takedown','Jab','Strike','Breath'))(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $hook >= 67 and <= 94)
[You time your hook well and it connects.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Takedown','Jab','Strike','Breath'))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hook1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $hook >= 95 and <= 101)
[A huge hook has him in trouble!
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Takedown','Jab','Strike','Breath'))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hook2 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $hook >= 102 and <= 500)
[Big hook and he's down!
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Takedown','Jab','Strike','Breath'))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hook3 + ($damageDifference * 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
]}{(set: $body1 to (random:1,3))
(set: $body2 to (random:4,7))
(set: $body3 to (random:8,15))
(set: $body4 to (random:16,20))
(set: $body to ($bodyc + $confidence + $footDiff + $body + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack + $staminaDiff))
(if: $body and <= 8)
[Your attempt at a body shot is way off.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Jab','Strike'))
(set: _oppCounter to it + 25)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $bodyc to it -3)
(if: $body >= 9 and <= 34)
[You miss with a body shot.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $bodyc to it -2)
(if: $body >= 35 and <= 44)
[He steps out of range away from your body shot.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $bodyc to it -2)
(if: $body >= 45 and <= 50)
[Your body shot is blocked.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $bodyc to it -1)
(if: $body >= 51 and <= 60)
[His elbow absorbs some of the impact but a part of your body shot lands.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $body1 + ($damageDifference / 5))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $body1 - ($damageDifference / 5))
(if: $body >= 61 and <= 94)
[Your opponent winces as a body shot gets through.
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $body2 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $body2 - ($damageDifference / 3))(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $body >= 95 and <= 101)
[He's visibly hurt from that body shot!
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $body3 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $body3 - ($damageDifference / 2))(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $bodyc to it +1)
](if: $body >= 102 and <= 500)
[He's down from a huge shot to the body!
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $body4 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $body4 - ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(set: $bodyc to it +2)
(set: $sbf1 to (random:15,20))
(set: $sbf2 to (random:21,25))
(set: _oppCounter to it + 13)
(set: $reaction to it + $staminaAffect + $oppEveryAttack)
(set: $sbf to ($confidence + $footDiff + $sbf + $sbfc + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack + $staminaDiff))
(if: $sbf and <= 17)
[Hello Ben Askren.
(set: _oppCounter to it + 5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(if: $sbf >= 18 and <= 35)
[You attempt a spinning back fist but your timing is off.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(if: $sbf >= 36 and <= 57)
[He steps out of the way of your spinning back fist.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(if: $sbf >= 58 and <= 83)
[Your spinning back fist is read and blocked.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $sbf >= 84 and <= 100)
[You connect with a spinning back fist!
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $sbf1 + ($damageDifference / 2))
](if: $sbf >= 101 and <= 500)
[Wow, a spinning back fist puts him down!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $sbf2 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $lKick to (random:1,100))
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $lKick to it - 10)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $lKick to it - 5)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
}{(display: "Opponent Counter Leg Kick")
(if: $lKicks is <= 5)[
(display: "Leg Kick Attack")
(display: "Knockdown/out")
{(if: ($fight is 'on') and ($lKicks is <= 5))
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")]
(display: "Health")
(if: $lKicks is > 5)[(display: "Knockdown/out")]
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to 0){
(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $bKick to (random:1,100))
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $defence to it - 7)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $bKick to it - 12)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $bKick to it - 6)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
}(display: "Body Kick Attack")
(display: "Knockdown/out"){
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to it + 7){
(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $hKick to (random:1,100))
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $defence to it - 10)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $hKick to it - 12)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $hKick to it - 6)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
}(display: "Head Kick Attack")
(display: "Knockdown/out"){
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to it + 10){
(display: "Opponent Ready")
(set: $jab to (random:1,100))
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $defence to it - 14)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Defend'))[(set: $jab to it - 15)]
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Feint'))[(set: $jab to it - 8)]
(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
}(display: "Flying Knee Attack")
(display: "Knockdown/out")
(if: ($fight is 'on') and ($position is 'Standing'))[
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")]
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $defence to it + 14){
(set: $lKick1 to (random:1,6))
(set: $lKick2 to (random:7,14))
(set: $lKick3 to (random:15,33))
(set: $lKickc to (random:1,35))
(set: $lKick to ($confidence + $footDiff + $lKick + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack))
(if: $lKick and <= 17)
[That's a hesitant leg kick that doesn't get close.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: ($lKick >= 18 and <= 34))
[Your leg kick misses.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: ($lKick >= 35 and <= 44))
[He pulls his leg away from your leg kick.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: ($lKick >= 45 and <= 48) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[He checks your leg kick and you grimace.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +6)
(if: ($lKick >= 45 and <= 48) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He checks your leg kick and you grimace.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +6)
(if: ($lKick >= 49 and <= 51) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[He checks your leg kick and you grimace.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $rightLegDamage to it + $lKickc)
(if: ($lKick >= 49 and <= 51) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He checks your leg kick and you grimace.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it + $lKickc)
]}(if: ($lKick is 52) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))[Oh my word, he blocked your leg and your leg has snapped! That's horrendous, such a shocking way for the fight to end!
(set: $reaction to it +1000)
[[The end]]
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +100)
(set: $fight to 'off')
(set: $leg to 'break')
](if: ($lKick is 52) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))[Oh my word, he blocked your leg and your leg has snapped! That's horrendous, such a shocking way for the fight to end!
(set: $reaction to it +1000)
[[Response to loss]]
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +100)
(set: $fight to 'off')
(set: $leg to 'break')
(if: ($lKick >= 53 and <= 87) and ($stance is 'Orthodox') and ($oppStance is 'Orthodox'))
[Your leg kick connects.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppLeftLegDamage to it + $lKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($lKick >= 53 and <= 87) and ($stance is 'Southpaw') and ($oppStance is 'Southpaw'))
[Your leg kick connects.
(set: $oppRightLegDamage to it + $lKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($lKick >= 53 and <= 87) and ($stance is 'Southpaw') and ($oppStance is 'Orthodox'))
[Your leg kick connects.
(set: $oppLeftLegDamage to it + $lKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($lKick >= 53 and <= 87) and ($stance is 'Orthodox') and ($oppStance is 'Southpaw'))
[Your leg kick connects.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppRightLegDamage to it + $lKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($lKick >= 88 and <= 99) and ($stance is 'Orthodox') and ($oppStance is 'Orthodox'))
[Good leg kick hurts hims.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppLeftLegDamage to it + $lKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($lKick >= 88 and <= 99) and ($stance is 'Southpaw') and ($oppStance is 'Southpaw'))
[That's a good leg kick.
(set: $oppRightLegDamage to it + $lKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($lKick >= 88 and <= 99) and ($stance is 'Southpaw') and ($oppStance is 'Orthodox'))
[Strong leg kick causes damage.
(set: $oppLeftLegDamage to it + $lKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($lKick >= 88 and <= 99) and ($stance is 'Orthodox') and ($oppStance is 'Southpaw'))
[That leg kick hurt him.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppRightLegDamage to it + $lKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($lKick >= 100 and <= 500) and ($stance is 'Orthodox') and ($oppStance is 'Orthodox'))
[Big leg kick and he's gone down!
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppLeftLegDamage to it + $lKick3 + ($damageDifference / 2))(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(if: ($lKick >= 100 and <= 500) and ($stance is 'Southpaw') and ($oppStance is 'Southpaw'))
[Big leg kick and he's gone down!
(set: $oppRightLegDamage to it + $lKick3 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(if: ($lKick >= 100 and <= 500) and ($stance is 'Southpaw') and ($oppStance is 'Orthodox'))
[Big leg kick and he's gone down!
(set: $oppLeftLegDamage to it + $lKick3 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(if: ($lKick >= 100 and <= 500) and ($stance is 'Orthodox') and ($oppStance is 'Southpaw'))
[Big leg kick and he's gone down!
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppRightLegDamage to it + $lKick3 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(set: $oppRightLegHealth to (100 - $oppRightLegDamage))
(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to (100 - $oppLeftLegDamage))
(set: $rightLegHealth to (100 - $rightLegDamage))
(set: $leftLegHealth to (100 - $leftLegDamage))
(if: $oppRightLegHealth is < 1)
[(set: $fight to 'off')
[[He can't stand anymore - that's it, it's over!!->The end]]
(if: $oppLeftLegHealth is < 1)
[(set: $fight to 'off')
[[He can't stand anymore - that's it, it's over!!->The end]]]
(set: $bKick1 to (random:4,10))
(set: $bKick2 to (random:11,20))
(set: $bKick3 to (random:21,33))
(set: $bKickc to (random:1,40))
(set: $bKick to ($confidence + $footDiff + $bKick + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack))
(if: $bKick and <= 50)
[That's a poorly timed kick that doesn't get close.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(if: ($bKick >= 51 and <= 105))
[Your body kick misses.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(if: ($bKick >= 106 and <= 132))
[He steps back, away from your body kick.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(if: ($bKick >= 133 and <= 144) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Your body kick is checked and you grimace.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +6)
(if: ($bKick >= 133 and <= 144) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He blocks your body kick and you grimace.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +6)
(if: ($bKick >= 145 and <= 151) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[He blocks your body kick and you grimace.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $rightLegDamage to it + $bKickc)
(if: ($bKick >= 145 and <= 151) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He checks your leg kick and you grimace.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it + $bKickc)
]}(if: ($bKick is 152) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[Oh my word, he blocked your kick with his knee and your leg has snapped!! That's horrendous, such a shocking way for the fight to end.
(set: $reaction to it +1000)
[[The end]]
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +100)
(set: $fight to 'off')
](if: ($bKick is 152) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Oh my word, he blocked your kick with his knee and your leg has snapped!! That's horrendous, such a shocking way for the fight to end.
[[The end]]
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +100)
(set: $fight to 'off')
(if: ($bKick >= 153 and <= 262) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Your body kick hits home.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +1)
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $bKick1 - ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $bKick1 - ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($bKick >= 153 and <= 262) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))[Your body kick hits home.(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $bKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $bKick1 - ($damageDifference / 3))(set: $leftLegDamage to it +1)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($bKick >= 263 and <= 297) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[That body kick ripples the belly.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $bKick2 - ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $bKick2 - ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($bKick >= 263 and <= 297) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))[Good body kick lands.
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $bKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $bKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($bKick >= 298 and < 500) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Big body kick and he's gone down!
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $bKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $bKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(if: ($bKick >= 298 and < 500) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[Big kick to the body and he's down!(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $bKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $bKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(set: $oppRightLegHealth to (100 - $oppRightLegDamage))
(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to (100 - $oppLeftLegDamage))
(set: $rightLegHealth to (100 - $rightLegDamage))
(set: $leftLegHealth to (100 - $leftLegDamage))
(if: $oppRightLegHealth is < 1)
[(set: $fight to 'off')
[[He can't stand anymore - that's it, it's over!!->The end]]
(if: $oppLeftLegHealth is < 1)
[(set: $fight to 'off')
[[He can't stand anymore - that's it, it's over!!->The end]]]
(set: $hKick1 to (random:1,15))
(set: $hKick2 to (random:16,25))
(set: $hKick3 to (random:25,65))
(set: $hKickc to (random:1,40))
(set: $hKick to ($confidence + $footDiff + $hKick + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack))
(if: $hKick and <= 50)
[A wild attempt at a head kick makes a wooshing sound.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(if: ($hKick >= 51 and <= 105))
[Your head kick misses.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(if: ($hKick >= 106 and <= 172))
[He leans back, as your head kick goes by.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(if: ($hKick >= 173 and <= 234) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Your head kick is blocked and it hurts.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +3)
(if: ($hKick >= 173 and <= 234) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He defends your head kick and it hurts.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +3)
(if: ($hKick >= 235 and <= 282) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Your kick is blocked but it rattles his head slightly.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +1)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(if: ($hKick >= 235 and <= 282) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He blocks but the force of the kick pushes through and shakes him up.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +1)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(if: ($hKick >= 283 and <= 297) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[That's a big head kick, he can't take too many of them!
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($hKick >= 283 and <= 297) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[That head kick gets through, his legs look a little shaky!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($hKick >= 298 and < 500) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Huge head kick and down he goes!!(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(if: ($hKick >= 298 and < 500) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[Wow, massive head kick has him down!!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(set: $oppRightLegHealth to (100 - $oppRightLegDamage))
(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to (100 - $oppLeftLegDamage))
(set: $rightLegHealth to (100 - $rightLegDamage))
(set: $leftLegHealth to (100 - $leftLegDamage))}{
(set: $fKnee1 to (random:5,25))
(set: $fKnee2 to (random:15,25))
(set: $fKnee3 to (random:26,70))
(set: $fKnee to ($confidence + $footDiff + $fKnee + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack))
(if: $fKnee and <= 15)
[You rush in with a flying knee but he reads it and takes you down!
(set: $position to 'grounded')(set: $staminaAffect to it -10)
(if: ($fKnee >= 16 and <= 85))
[Your flying knee is nowhere near.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -10)
(if: ($fKnee >= 86 and <= 232))
[He shifts his body out of your way.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -10)
(if: ($fKnee >= 233 and <= 264) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[He blocks your flying knee and it hurts your leg slightly.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -10)
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(if: ($fKnee >= 233 and <= 264) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He blocks your flying knee and it hurts your leg slightly.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -10)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(if: ($fKnee >= 265 and <= 287) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[He attempts to block your flying knee but you catch him in the body.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +1)
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $fknee1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $fknee1 - ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -10)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(if: ($fKnee >= 265 and <= 287) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He attempts to block your flying knee but you catch him in the body.
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + $fknee1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - $fknee1 - ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +1)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -10)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(if: ($fKnee >= 288 and <= 299) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[That's a big head kick, he can't take too many of them!
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $fknee2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($fKnee >= 288 and <= 299) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[That head kick gets through, his legs look a little shaky!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $fknee2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($fKnee >= 300 and < 500) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Huge head kick and down he goes!!(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(if: ($fKnee >= 300 and < 500) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[Wow, massive head kick has him down!!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(set: $oppRightLegHealth to (100 - $oppRightLegDamage))
(set: $oppLeftLegHealth to (100 - $oppLeftLegDamage))
(set: $rightLegHealth to (100 - $rightLegDamage))
(set: $leftLegHealth to (100 - $leftLegDamage))}[[1 pound]]
[[2 pounds]]
[[3 pounds]]
[[4 pounds]]
[[5 pounds]]
(display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")
{(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $clinch to 'hold')
}You hold him in place as the clock ticks down.
{(set: $subHold to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subHold to ($subHold + $wrestDiff + $subDiff + $staminaDiff))
(if: $subHold is <= 35)[Oh, he's managed to escape from the hold!(set: $clinch to 'neutral')
(set: $moves to it + 3)
(set: $stamina to it + 2)
}(if: $subHold is > 35)[
[[Ground and Pound->Ground and pound]]
(if: $clinch is 'neutral')[
(display: "Stats")[[Fight]]
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'true')
(set: $subHealth to 100)
(set: $subDamage to 0)
(set: $squeeze to 0) {(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 1)
(set: $griphit to 0)
(set: $subHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subHit to ($subHit + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $griphit))
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit <= 15))[He escapes the mount!
(set: $subGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:6,10))
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 15 and <= 50))[He blocks your strike.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 50 and <= 75))[You sneak a strike through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 1,2))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 75 and <= 85))[Good shot through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 3,4))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 85 and <= 98))[Big shot gets through.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 4,8))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 98))[Huge ground and pound!(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 9,30))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
{(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral'))[(set: $moves to it + 1.5)(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 1)]
(set: $griphit to 0)
(set: $subHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subHit to ($subHit + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $griphit))
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit <= 17) and ($fight is 'on'))[He escapes the mount!
(set: $subGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 17 and <= 52) and ($fight is 'on'))[He blocks your strike.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 52 and <= 76) and ($fight is 'on'))[You sneak a strike through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 1,2))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 76 and <= 84) and ($fight is 'on'))[Good shot through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 3,4))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 84 and <= 90) and ($fight is 'on'))[Big shot gets through.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 4,8))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 90) and ($fight is 'on'))[Huge ground and pound!(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 9,30))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
{(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral'))[(set: $moves to it + 1.5)(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 1)]
(set: $griphit to 0)
(set: $subHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subHit to ($subHit + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $griphit))
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit <= 19) and ($fight is 'on'))[He escapes the mount!
(set: $subGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:8,12))
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 19 and <= 50) and ($fight is 'on'))[He blocks your strike.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit is 51) and ($fight is 'on'))[Big shot gets through.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 4,8))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit is 52) and ($fight is 'on'))[Huge ground and pound!(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 9,30))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 52 and <= 75) and ($fight is 'on'))[You sneak a strike through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 1,2))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 75 and <= 85) and ($fight is 'on'))[Good shot through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 3,4))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 85 and <= 98) and ($fight is 'on'))[Big shot gets through.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 4,8))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 98) and ($fight is 'on'))[Huge ground and pound!(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 9,30))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
{(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral'))[(set: $moves to it + 1.5)(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 1)]
(set: $griphit to 0)
(set: $subHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subHit to ($subHit + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $griphit))
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit <= 21) and ($fight is 'on'))[He escapes the mount!
(set: $subGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:9,13))
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 21 and <= 50) and ($fight is 'on'))[He blocks your strike.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 50 and <= 52) and ($fight is 'on'))[Big shot gets through.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 4,8))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 52 and <= 54) and ($fight is 'on'))[Huge ground and pound!(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 9,30))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 54 and <= 75) and ($fight is 'on'))[You sneak a strike through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 1,2))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 75 and <= 85) and ($fight is 'on'))[Good shot through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 3,4))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 85 and <= 98) and ($fight is 'on'))[Big shot gets through.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 4,8))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 98) and ($fight is 'on'))[Huge ground and pound!(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random: 9,30))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
{(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral'))[(set: $moves to it + 1.5)(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 1)]
(set: $griphit to 0)
(set: $subHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subHit to ($subHit + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $griphit))
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit <= 21) and ($fight is 'on'))[He escapes the mount!
(set: $subGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:10,14))
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 21 and <= 50) and ($fight is 'on'))[He blocks your strike.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 50 and <= 53) and ($fight is 'on'))[Big shot gets through.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it - (random: 4,8))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 53 and <= 56) and ($fight is 'on'))[Huge ground and pound!(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it - (random: 9,30))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 56 and <= 75) and ($fight is 'on'))[You sneak a strike through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it - (random: 1,2))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 75 and <= 85) and ($fight is 'on'))[Good shot through his guard.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it - (random: 3,4))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 85 and <= 98) and ($fight is 'on'))[Big shot gets through.(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it - (random: 4,8))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHit > 98) and ($fight is 'on'))[Huge ground and pound!(set: $gripHit to it + 2)(set: $oppHeadDamage to it - (random: 9,30))(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)]
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 1")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
{[(if: ($clinch is 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))
]}(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral')and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[1 pound]]
[[2 pounds]]
[[3 pounds]]
[[4 pounds]]
[[5 pounds]]
[[Submission attempt->Submission]]
(display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 1")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 2")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
{[(if: ($clinch is 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))
]}(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral')and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[1 pound]]
[[2 pounds]]
[[3 pounds]]
[[4 pounds]]
[[5 pounds]]
[[Submission attempt->Submission]]
(display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 1")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 2")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 3")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
{[(if: ($clinch is 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))
]}(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral')and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[1 pound]]
[[2 pounds]]
[[3 pounds]]
[[4 pounds]]
[[5 pounds]]
[[Submission attempt->Submission]]
(display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 1")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 2")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 3")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 4")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
{[(if: ($clinch is 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))
]}(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral')and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[1 pound]]
[[2 pounds]]
[[3 pounds]]
[[4 pounds]]
[[5 pounds]]
[[Submission attempt->Submission]]
(display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 1")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 2")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 3")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 4")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
(display: "Ground and Pound Attack 5")(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
{[(if: ($clinch is 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))
]}(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral')and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[1 pound]]
[[2 pounds]]
[[3 pounds]]
[[4 pounds]]
[[5 pounds]]
[[Submission attempt->Submission]]
(display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")(display: "Takedown Attack")
{(display: "Health")(display: "Knockdown/out")
(if: ($clinch is 'defendGrap') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(if: ($clinch is 'neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(if: ($clinch is 'fullMount') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Full Mount]]
(if: ($clinch is 'survive') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(display: "Stats"){(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $newClinch to 'No')
(set: $clinch to 'neutral')
}{(set: $takedown to (random: 1,100))
(set: $takedown to ($takedown + $wrestDiff + $staminaDiff + $clinchStrength))
(if: ($takedown is <= 5) and ($fight is 'on'))[He reads your sloppy takedown attempt and ends up on top!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $clinch to 'survive')
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(if: ($takedown is >5 and <= 35) and ($fight is 'on'))[You shoot for a takedown but he sprawls well and scrambles free!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'true')
(set: $oppSubHealth to 100)
(set: $oppSubDamage to 0)
(set: $subHealth to 100)
(set: $subDamage to 0)
(set: $squeeze to 0)
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(if: ($takedown is > 35 and < 65) and ($fight is 'on'))[He stifles the takedown and you end up in a clinch.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(if: ($takedown is >= 65 and < 98) and ($fight is 'on'))[You have him down and you're in full mount!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to it + (random:1,9))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random:1,4))
(set: $clinch to 'fullMount')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(if: ($takedown is > 98 and < 110) and ($fight is 'on'))[You take him down with a powerful slam!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,20))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to it + (random:1,30))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random:1,40))
(set: $clinch to 'fullMount')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
](if: ($takedown is >= 110) and ($fight is 'on'))[You slam him on his head! It looks like this is all over!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,20))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + 100)
(set: $clinch to 'fullMount')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $fight to 'off')
(set: $moves to it + 3)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 15)
(set: $stamina to (100 + $staminaAffect))
}{(set: $oppCounter to + (random:1,100))
(set: $oppJabCounter to it + 10)
(set: $oppCounter to it + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppJabCounter + $oppEveryAttack - $strDiff - $speedDiff - $footDiff + $jabs)
(set: $jabs to it + (random:1,2))
(set: $counterM to (random:1,2))
(if: $counterMaster is 'On')[(set: $jabs to ($jabs + $counterM)) ]
(set: $straights to 0)
(set: $hooks to 0)
(set: $bShots to 0)
(set: $sbfs to 0)
(set: $lKicks to 0)
(set: $bKicks to 0)
(set: $hKicks to 0)
(set: $fKnees to 0)
(set: $wrestles to 0)
(if: ($jabs > 6) and ($oppCounter is < 33))[ He reads your jab and counters but you lean out of range just in time.]
(if: ($jabs > 6) and ($oppCounter is >=34 and <= 66))[ He reads your jab and counters nicely.(set: $headDamage to it + (random:10,24))]
(if: ($jabs > 6) and ($oppCounter is > 67))[He counters your jab and rocks you!(set: $headDamage to it + (random:25,50))]}{
(if: ($jabs > 6) and ($oppCounter is >=100))[(set: $oppCounterJab to it + 1)(display: "Opponent Counter Jab Talk")]}{
(set: $oppCounter to + (random:1,300))
(set: $jabs to 0)
(set: $straights to it + (random:1,2))
(set: $hooks to 0)
(set: $bShots to 0)
(set: $sbfs to 0)
(set: $lKicks to 0)
(set: $bKicks to 0)
(set: $hKicks to 0)
(set: $fKnees to 0)
(set: $wrestles to 0)
(if: ($straights > 4) and ($oppCounter is < 100))[He attempts to counter your straight but misses.]
(if: ($straights > 4) and ($oppCounter is >=100 and <= 200))[You throw a straight but it's countered.(set: $headDamage to it + (random:15,22))]
(if: ($straights > 4) and ($oppCounter is > 200))[He counters you clean, your legs do the chicken dance!(set: $headDamage to it + (random:23,35))]}{
(if: ($straights > 4) and ($oppCounter is >=100))[(set: $oppCounterStraight to it + 1)(display: "Opponent Counter Straight Talk")]}{(set: $talk to (random:1,12))
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 1))[Dundee: "Ya easy to hit ya lemon!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 2))[Dundee: "Look at ya, weak at the knees there!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 3))[Dundee: "Pure shite!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 4))[Dundee: "Look at ya crumble!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 5))[Dundee: "Bang! Hahahaha!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 6))[Dundee: "I can see every move you're about to make!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 7))[Dundee: "You're toilet."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 8))[Dundee: "Easy work!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 9))[Dundee: "So predictable, my word."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 10))[Dundee: "It's MMA hahaha!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 11))[Dundee: "Keep spamming that button kid."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($talk is 12))[Dundee: "I can read you like a porno."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 1))[Magovos: "It's a mistake to do the same thing over and over."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 2))[Magovos: "You have to be smarter in here my friend."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 3))[Magovos: "You are a good soul, I can see. I apologise for this."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 4))[Magovos: "Relax, you are doing well but you can do better."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 5))[Magovos: "You have good fundamentals but make silly mistakes."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 6))[Magovos: "Too easy to hit, come on my man."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 7))[Magovos: "Do you do this on purpose?"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 8))[Magovos: "Don't give up. Fight."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 9))[Magovos: "Your greatest enemy is yourself."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 10))[Magovos: "I believe in you, even if you don't."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 11))[Magovos: "Learn from your mistakes."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos') and ($talk is 12))[Magovos: "Repetition is only good in the gym my friend."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 1))[Eze: "Hmphf."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 2))[Eze: "Nice."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 3))[Eze: "Oh yes."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 4))[Eze: "Ah."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 5))[Eze: "..."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 6))[Eze: "Big!"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 7))[Eze: "..."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 8))[Eze: "Hmphf."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 9))[Eze: "Good."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 10))[Eze: "You are poor."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 11))[Eze: "Easy."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze') and ($talk is 12))[Eze: "Very good."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 1))[Pete: "That wasn't an error by you, that was an impressive manoeuvre by me."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 2))[Pete: "Unfortunately, I don't think you can win this one."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 3))[Pete: "That was sloppy and I think you're going bald."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 4))[Pete: "It's too easy to hit you, seriously."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 5))[Pete: "We can work on your defences after this."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 6))[Pete: "I don't think this game is for you."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 7))[Pete: "This is going to really upset you but you're bad."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 8))[Pete: "Is this your first time?"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 9))[Pete: "There are some really good tutorials online that will teach you how to fight."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 10))[Pete: "Rinse, repeat."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 11))[Pete: "Oh, I wonder what you'll do next(.)"]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete') and ($talk is 12))[Pete: "Your stupidity is almost confusing me."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 1))[The Kid: "Fuck you."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 2))[The Kid: "Haha, that hurt."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 3))[The Kid: "This ain't no pitter patter shit."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 4))[The Kid: "You a phoney."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 5))[The Kid: "Ha bitch, you a bitch."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 6))[The Kid: "Woosh - I got you."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 7))[The Kid: "You suck, for real."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 8))[The Kid: "Bang bang muthafuka."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 9))[The Kid: "Ninja shit."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 10))[The Kid: "It's not good to be you right now."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 11))[The Kid: "That's wassup."]
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid') and ($talk is 12))[The Kid: "That hurt, right?"]
}[[Dundee]] (Scotland)
An unpredictable, dangerous striker. Dundee is part clown, part poet, part killer. Has a mysterious ability to predict the way he will finish you.
[[Eze]] (Cameroon)
A stoic, spiritual BJJ legend. A humble man that posseses unearthly power, he is the type of man to kill you by accident and then befriend your parents. If he grabs you or strikes you, you're in a world of trouble.
[[Magovos]] (Greece)
A soft-natured, hard centred wrestler. A cultured philosopher, he'd rather perform in an arena than fight in one. He can physically and emotionally drain you.
[[Pete]] (USA)
A highly intelligent, calculating tactician. Has detailed research on every fighter and uses his multi-faceted skillset to make any necessary adjustments whilst in combat. A superb counter striker, he will lay multiple traps at the same time.
[[The Kid]] (Brazil)
A battle hardened streetfighter. No nonsense and confrontational, his low impact/high energy fight style makes him a nightmare to deal with. Can be incredibly elusive when he starts doing his "ninja shit".
[[Kazushi]] (Japan)
A battle hardened streetfighter. No nonsense and confrontational, his low impact/high energy fight style makes him a nightmare to deal with. Can be incredibly elusive when he starts doing his "ninja shit".
(set: $counter to 'None')
(set: $takedownCounter to 'No')
(set: $counter to 'off')Good luck!
(set: $Opponent to 'Dundee')
(set: $oppSpeed to 85)
(set: $oppPower to 86)
(set: $oppToughness to 78)
(set: $oppConfidence to 10)
(set: $oppFootwork to 89)
(set: $oppStrAttack to 95)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 81)
(set: $oppWrestAttack to 80)
(set: $oppWrestDefence to 82)
(set: $oppSubAttack to 80)
(set: $oppSubDefence to 78)
(set: $counterAttack to 'off')Good luck!
(set: $Opponent to 'Eze')
(set: $oppSpeed to 72)
(set: $oppPower to 99)
(set: $oppToughness to 95)
(set: $oppConfidence to 5)
(set: $oppFootwork to 68)
(set: $oppStrAttack to 92)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 79)
(set: $oppWrestAttack to 89)
(set: $oppWrestDefence to 93)
(set: $oppSubAttack to 75)
(set: $oppSubDefence to 76)
(set: $athletic to 'On')Good luck!
(set: $Opponent to 'Magovos')
(set: $oppSpeed to 77)
(set: $oppPower to 91)
(set: $oppToughness to 83)
(set: $oppConfidence to 3)
(set: $oppFootwork to 70)
(set: $oppStrAttack to 70)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 90)
(set: $oppWrestAttack to 94)
(set: $oppWrestDefence to 96)
(set: $oppSubAttack to 79)
(set: $oppSubDefence to 90)
(set: $defensiveWizard to 'On')Good luck!
(set: $Opponent to 'Pete')
(set: $oppSpeed to 82)
(set: $oppPower to 80)
(set: $oppToughness to 78)
(set: $oppConfidence to 8)
(set: $oppFootwork to 92)
(set: $oppStrAttack to 85)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 86)
(set: $oppWrestAttack to 80)
(set: $oppWrestDefence to 87)
(set: $oppSubAttack to 80)
(set: $oppSubDefence to 88)
(set: $counterMaster to 'On')Good luck!
(set: $Opponent to 'The Kid')
(set: $oppSpeed to 82)
(set: $oppPower to 76)
(set: $oppToughness to 99)
(set: $oppConfidence to 9)
(set: $oppFootwork to 83)
(set: $oppStrAttack to 86)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 84)
(set: $oppWrestAttack to 70)
(set: $oppWrestDefence to 77)
(set: $oppSubAttack to 91)
(set: $oppSubDefence to 90)
(set: $endurance to 'On'){(set: $oppCounter to + (random:1,300))
(set: $jabs to 0)
(set: $straights to 0)
(set: $hooks to it + (random:1,2))
(set: $bShots to 0)
(set: $sbfs to 0)
(set: $lKicks to 0)
(set: $bKicks to 0)
(set: $hKicks to 0)
(set: $fKnees to 0)
(set: $wrestles to 0)
(if: ($hooks > 4) and ($oppCounter is < 100))[He attempts to counter your straight but misses.]
(if: ($hooks > 4) and ($oppCounter is >=100 and <= 200))[You throw a straight but it's countered.(set: $headDamage to it + (random:18,25))]
(if: ($hooks > 4) and ($oppCounter is > 200))[He counters you clean, your legs do the chicken dance!(set: $headDamage to it + (random:26,38))]}{
(if: ($hooks > 4) and ($oppCounter is >=100))[(display: "Opponent Counter Talk")]}{(set: $oppCounter to + (random:1,300))
(set: $jabs to 0)
(set: $straights to 0)
(set: $hooks to 0)
(set: $bShots to it + (random:1,2))
(set: $sbfs to 0)
(set: $lKicks to 0)
(set: $bKicks to 0)
(set: $hKicks to 0)
(set: $fKnees to 0)
(set: $wrestles to 0)
(if: ($bShots > 4) and ($oppCounter is < 100))[He attempts to counter your body shot but misses.]
(if: ($bShots > 4) and ($oppCounter is >=100 and <= 200))[You throw a shot to the body but he counters well.(set: $headDamage to it + (random:18,25))]
(if: ($bShots > 4) and ($oppCounter is > 200))[Big counter, that one hurt you!(set: $headDamage to it + (random:26,38))]}{
(if: ($bShots > 4) and ($oppCounter is >=100))[(display: "Opponent Counter Talk")]}{(set: $oppCounter to + (random:1,300))
(set: $jabs to 0)
(set: $straights to 0)
(set: $hooks to 0)
(set: $bShots to 0)
(set: $sbfs to it + (random:1,2))
(set: $lKicks to 0)
(set: $bKicks to 0)
(set: $hKicks to 0)
(set: $fKnees to 0)
(set: $wrestles to 0)
(if: ($sbfs > 3) and ($oppCounter is < 100))[He attempts to counter your straight but misses.]
(if: ($sbfs > 3) and ($oppCounter is >=100 and <= 200))[You throw a straight but it's countered.(set: $headDamage to it + (random:15,22))]
(if: ($sbfs > 3) and ($oppCounter is > 200))[He counters you clean, your legs do the chicken dance!(set: $headDamage to it + (random:23,35))]}{
(if: ($sbfs > 3) and ($oppCounter is >=100))[(display: "Opponent Counter Talk")]}{(set: $oppCounter to + (random:1,300))
(set: $jabs to 0)
(set: $straights to 0)
(set: $hooks to 0)
(set: $bShots to 0)
(set: $sbfs to 0)
(set: $lKicks to it + (random:1,2))
(set: $bKicks to 0)
(set: $hKicks to 0)
(set: $fKnees to 0)
(set: $wrestles to 0)
(if: ($lKicks > 5) and ($oppCounter is < 70))[He reads your leg kick but you block his counter.]
(if: ($lKicks > 5) and ($oppCounter is >=70 and <= 100))[He reads your leg kick but you block his counter.]
(if: ($lKicks > 5) and ($oppCounter is >100 and <= 200))[ He reads your jab and counters nicely.(set: $headDamage to it + (random:5,10))]
(if: ($lKicks > 5) and ($oppCounter is > 200 and <= 299))[He counters your jab and rocks you!(set: $headDamage to it + (random:10,20))]
(if: ($lKicks > 5) and ($oppCounter is 300))[He counters your leg kick with a right had from the heavens and that is it!(set: $headDamage to it + 200]
(if: ($lKicks > 5) and ($oppCounter is > 300))[He counters your leg kick and rocks you!(set: $headDamage to it + (random:10,20))]}
(if: ($lKicks > 5) and ($oppCounter is >=100))[(display: "Opponent Counter Talk")]{(set: $hit to (random:1,100))
(set: $counterHit to $hit - $counterNumber)
(set: $straight1c to (random:7,16))
(set: $straight2c to (random:17,35))
(set: $straight3c to 100)
(if: ($oppStrike is 'Straight') and ($counter is 'Straight') and ($counterHit is < 20))[
You're too slow to react to his punch, and it connects.
(set: $CA to 'on')
(set: $CA2 to 'on')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppStraight1c)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -5)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Straight') and ($counter is 'Jab') and ($counterHit is >= 20 and <= 35))[
You lean out of the way of his strike, but just miss with your counter.
(set: $CA to 'on')
(set: $CA2 to 'on')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Straight') and ($counter is 'Jab') and ($counterHit is >= 36 and <= 80))[
You lean out of the way of his jab, and catch him with a nice counter.
(set: $CA to 'on')
(set: $CA2 to 'on')
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight1c)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(set: $counterAttack to 'off')
(set: $counterNumber to it + 3)}
{(set: $talk to (random:1,12))
(if: $oppCounterStraight is 1 or 3)[
(display: "Opponent Counter Talk 1")]
(if: $oppCounterStraight is 4)[
(display: "Opponent Counter Talk 2")]
}{(if: $Opponent is 'Dundee')[Dundee: "You must have a death wish."]
(if: $Opponent is 'Magovos')[Magovos: "You are losing on purpose."]
(if: $Opponent is 'Eze')[Eze: "You are shit."]
(if: $Opponent is 'Pete')[Pete: "So you want to lose huh?"]
(if: $Opponent is 'The Kid')[The Kid: "You're fucked up."]}{(if: $Opponent is 'Dundee')[Dundee: "You must have a death wish."]
(if: $Opponent is 'Magovos')[Magovos: "You are losing on purpose."]
(if: $Opponent is 'Eze')[Eze: "You are shit."]
(if: $Opponent is 'Pete')[Pete: "So you want to lose huh?"]
(if: $Opponent is 'The Kid')[The Kid: "You're fucked up."]}{(set: $oppSurvival to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppGetUp to 'yes')
(set: $oppSurvival to ($oppSurvival + ($oppToughness - 70) - $oppAccumalative))
}(if: $oppSurvival > 50)[He somehow manages to get up!
(set: $oppHeadHealth to 10)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to 90)
What a mistake by you to let him get up!
](if: $oppSurvival <= 70)[Wow, how cool do you look!
Stud muffic over here!
No-one expected you to knock him out, least of all you!
To have a stoppage victory over an animal like Dundee will make everyone take notice!
[[Taunt Dundee]]
[[Console Dundee]]
(set: $oppAccumalative to it + 25)
Quick as a flash you go over to finish him, but the ref jumps in the way to stop it!
A part of you is annoyed, it would have been good to put him out completely and make a definitive statement.
It feels like there is not enough respect for your game here.
It's time the other's start to realise you're the real deal.
Still, you're glad the referee did his job.
He's up already, looking dejected.
This one will hurt.
[[Taunt Dundee]]
[[Console Dundee]]
{(set: $talk to (random:1,12))
(if: $oppCounterJab is 1 or 2)[
(display: "Opponent Counter Talk 1")]
(if: $oppCounterJab is 4)[
(display: "Opponent Counter Talk 2")]
}[[Try to get up!]] or [[Stay down]][[Finish Him!]] or [[Walk Off KO]]{(set: $survival to (random: 1,100))
(set: $getUp to 'yes')
(set: $survival to ($survival + ($toughness - 70) - $accumalative))
}(if: $survival > 50)[You somehow manage to get up!
(set: $headHealth to 10)
(set: $headDamage to 90)
What heart you are showing!
](if: $survival <= 50)[You have nothing left to give, it's over!
You tried valiantly to get up but to no avail!
(display: 'Response to loss')
(set: $accumalative to it + 25)
{(set: $survival to (random: 1,100))
(set: $getUp to 'no')
}{(if: $accumalative is 0)[
You don't want anymore, it's over!
(display: 'Response to loss')
](else-if: $accumalative is > 0)[You have nothing left to give, it's over!
(display: 'Response to loss')
(set: $headHealth to 10)
(set: $accumalative to it + 15)
(if: $fight is 'on')[
](set: $counter to 'Jab')(set: $CA to 'on')(set: $CA2 to 'on')(set: $jabCounter to 'Yes')[
You're looking to counter his jab.
(set: $strDefence to 70)
[[Fight]] ]
(set: $counter to 'Straight')(set: $straightCounter to 'Yes')[
You're looking to counter his straight.
[[Fight]] ]{(set: $counter to 'Hook')
I'll counter with a...
[[Jab->Jab Set-up]]
[[Straight->Straight Set-up]]
[[Hook->Hook Set-up]]
[[Body Shot->Body Shot Set-up]]
[[Spinning Backfist->Spinning Backfist Set-up]]
[[Leg Kick->Leg Kick Set-up]]
[[Body Kick->Body Kick Set-up]]
[[Head Kick->Head Kick Set-up]]
[[Flying Knee->Flying Knee Set-up]]
[[Takedown->Takedown Set-up]] {(set: $counter to 'Body Shot')
I'll counter with a...
[[Jab->Jab Set-up]]
[[Straight->Straight Set-up]]
[[Hook->Hook Set-up]]
[[Body Shot->Body Shot Set-up]]
[[Spinning Backfist->Spinning Backfist Set-up]]
[[Leg Kick->Leg Kick Set-up]]
[[Body Kick->Body Kick Set-up]]
[[Head Kick->Head Kick Set-up]]
[[Flying Knee->Flying Knee Set-up]]
[[Takedown->Takedown Set-up]] {(set: $counter to 'SPB')
I'll counter with a...
[[Jab->Jab Set-up]]
[[Straight->Straight Set-up]]
[[Hook->Hook Set-up]]
[[Body Shot->Body Shot Set-up]]
[[Spinning Backfist->Spinning Backfist Set-up]]
[[Leg Kick->Leg Kick Set-up]]
[[Body Kick->Body Kick Set-up]]
[[Head Kick->Head Kick Set-up]]
[[Flying Knee->Flying Knee Set-up]]
[[Takedown->Takedown Set-up]] {(set: $counter to 'Leg Kick')
I'll counter with a...
[[Jab->Jab Set-up]]
[[Straight->Straight Set-up]]
[[Hook->Hook Set-up]]
[[Body Shot->Body Shot Set-up]]
[[Spinning Backfist->Spinning Backfist Set-up]]
[[Leg Kick->Leg Kick Set-up]]
[[Body Kick->Body Kick Set-up]]
[[Head Kick->Head Kick Set-up]]
[[Flying Knee->Flying Knee Set-up]]
[[Takedown->Takedown Set-up]] {(set: $counter to 'Body Kick')
I'll counter with a...
[[Jab->Jab Set-up]]
[[Straight->Straight Set-up]]
[[Hook->Hook Set-up]]
[[Body Shot->Body Shot Set-up]]
[[Spinning Backfist->Spinning Backfist Set-up]]
[[Leg Kick->Leg Kick Set-up]]
[[Body Kick->Body Kick Set-up]]
[[Head Kick->Head Kick Set-up]]
[[Flying Knee->Flying Knee Set-up]]
[[Takedown->Takedown Set-up]] {(set: $counter to 'Head Kick')
I'll counter with a...
[[Jab->Jab Set-up]]
[[Straight->Straight Set-up]]
[[Hook->Hook Set-up]]
[[Body Shot->Body Shot Set-up]]
[[Spinning Backfist->Spinning Backfist Set-up]]
[[Leg Kick->Leg Kick Set-up]]
[[Body Kick->Body Kick Set-up]]
[[Head Kick->Head Kick Set-up]]
[[Flying Knee->Flying Knee Set-up]]
[[Takedown->Takedown Set-up]] {(set: $counter to 'Takedown')
I'll counter with a...
[[Uppercut->Uppercut Set-up]]
[[Head Kick->Head Kick Set-up]]
[[Flying Knee->Flying Knee Set-up]]
[[Takedown->Takedown Set-up]] {(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($counter is 'Jab') and ($counterHit is < 20))[
AYou're too slow to react to his jab and it connects.
(set: $CA to 'on')
(set: $CA2 to 'on')
(set: $headDamage to it + $oppJab1c)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($counter is 'Jab') and ($counterHit is >= 20 and <= 35))[
You lean out of the way of his jab, but just miss with your counter.
(set: $CA to 'on')
(set: $CA2 to 'on')
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($counter is 'Jab') and ($counterHit is >= 36 and <= 80))[
You lean out of the way of his jab, and catch him with a nice counter.
(set: $CA to 'on')
(set: $CA2 to 'on')
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight1c)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($counter is 'Jab') and ($counterHit is >= 81 and <= 99))[
You read his jab expertly, and catch him with a sweet counter.
(set: $CA to 'on')
(set: $CA2 to 'on')
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight2c)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Jab') and ($counter is 'Jab') and ($counterHit is 100))[
You hit him with a crushing counter, it could be all over!
(set: $CA to 'on')
(set: $CA2 to 'on')
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight2c)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -3)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
]}(set: $counterAttack to 'off'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $straightCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $hookCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $bodyCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $sbfCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $legKickCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $bodyKickCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $headKickCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $flyingKneeCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $takedownCounter to 'Yes'){(display: "Next Action")
(set: $uppercutCounter to 'Yes')
(if: $CA is 'on')[
(set: $everyAttack to it - 25)
(set: $strDefence to it - 25)]
{(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown'))[(set: $cWrest to (random: 1,300))
(set: $uppercut1 to (random: 15,25))
(set: $uppercut2 to (random: 26,35))
(set: $uppercut3 to (random: 36,45))
(set: $uppercutKO to 100)]
<!-- Takedown Counter -->
(if: ($cWrest is < 75) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($takedownCounter is 'Yes'))[He gets the takedown!
(set: $clinch to 'survive')
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 75 and < 150) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($takedownCounter is 'Yes'))[He gets you in a clinch!
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 150 and < 175) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($takedownCounter is 'Yes'))[You smother the takedown attempt!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,4))
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 205 and < 265) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($takedownCounter is 'Yes'))[You defend the takedown attempt and get him in a clinch!
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 265 and < 299) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($takedownCounter is 'Yes'))[You defend his takedown attempt perfectly and take him down instead!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,8))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to it - (random:1,9))
(set: $oppHeadHealth to it - (random:1,4))
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 299) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($takedownCounter is 'Yes'))[You defend his takedown attempt and slam him down instead!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:6,12))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to it - (random:1,30))
(set: $oppHeadHealth to it - (random:1,40))
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
<!-- Uppercut Counter -->
(if: ($cWrest is < 100) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($uppercutCounter is 'Yes'))[He gets the takedown!
(set: $clinch to 'survive')
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 100 and < 150) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($uppercutCounter is 'Yes'))[He gets you in a clinch!
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 150 and < 240) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($uppercutCounter is 'Yes'))[You smother the takedown attempt!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,4))
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 240 and < 260) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($uppercutCounter is 'Yes'))[You defend the takedown attempt and get him in a clinch!
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(set: $clinch to 'grapple')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 260 and < 282) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($uppercutCounter is 'Yes'))[You catch him with a nice counter uppercut as he attempts a takedown!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $uppercut1 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 282 and < 299) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($uppercutCounter is 'Yes'))[You read his takedown attempt perfectly and catch him with a peach of an uppercut!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $uppercut2 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is 300) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($uppercutCounter is 'Yes'))[You catch him with a huge counter uppercut, it looks over!!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $uppercutKO)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(if: ($cWrest is >= 300) and ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($counter is 'Takedown') and ($uppercutCounter is 'Yes'))[A huge counter uppercut from his takedown attempt puts him down!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $uppercut3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(set: $counterAttack to 'on')
(set: $CA to 'off')
(display: "Knockdown/out")
}Good luck!
(set: $Opponent to 'Kazushi')
(set: $oppSpeed to 79)
(set: $oppPower to 83)
(set: $oppToughness to 82)
(set: $oppConfidence to 8)
(set: $oppFootwork to 88)
(set: $oppStrAttack to 87)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 84)
(set: $oppWrestAttack to 87)
(set: $oppWrestDefence to 80)
(set: $oppSubAttack to 88)
(set: $oppSubDefence to 80)
(set: $versatile to 'On'){(set: $subGrip to (random: 1,100))
(display: "Health")
(set: $subGrip to ($subGrip + $subDiff + $staminaDiff))
(if: $subGrip <= 20 and ($fight is 'on'))[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Defensive')(set: $clinch to 'oppSub')]
(if: $subGrip >= 21 and <= 50 and ($fight is 'on'))[(set: $subGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: $subGrip >= 51 and <= 70 and ($fight is 'on'))[You manage to get him in a hold, but it's not a good one. (set: $subGripStatus to 'Poor')]
(if: $subGrip >= 71 and <= 82 and ($fight is 'on'))[You've got him in a submission! (set: $subGripStatus to 'Average')]
(if: $subGrip >= 83 and <= 92 and ($fight is 'on'))[That's a smooth transition into a strong submission! (set: $subGripStatus to 'Good')]
(if: $subGrip >= 93 and <= 98 and ($fight is 'on'))[He's struggling, as you catch him deep into a submission!(set: $subGripStatus to 'Great')]
(if: $subGrip >= 99 and ($fight is 'on'))[He's in big trouble, this could be over soon!!(set: $subGripStatus to 'Exceptional')]}{(if: $clinch is 'oppSub' and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[He's reversed the submission attempt and now has you in a hold!->Survive]]]
(if: $clinch is 'Neutral' and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[He escapes the submission attempt and is back on his feet!->He escapes the submission!]]]
}(if: $clinch is 'sub' and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[Squeeze]]
[[Hold->Sub Hold]]
[[Catch A Breath->Sub Recover]]]
(if: ($subGripStatus is not 'Exceptional') and ($clinch is 'sub') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[Improve Grip]]
] {(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $moves to it +2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 3)
}(display: "Round time")(if: $fight is 'on')[Grip Status = $subGripStatus ]
{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $subGripStatus is 'Poor'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,15))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $subGripStatus is 'Average'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,25))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $subGripStatus is 'Good'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,35))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $subGripStatus is 'Great'))
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $subGripStatus is 'Exceptional'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 15,60))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $subGripStatus is 'Poor'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,10))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff / 2.5))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $subGripStatus is 'Average'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,20))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff / 2.5))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $subGripStatus is 'Good'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,30))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff / 2.5))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $subGripStatus is 'Great'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,35))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff / 2.5))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $subGripStatus is 'Exceptional'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 10,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $subDiff / 2.5))
(set: $oppSubDamage to ($oppSubDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $oppSubHealth to (100 - $oppSubDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
}{(set: $subDifference to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $subStamina to ($stamina + $subDifference))
(set: $subSqueeze to 10)
(set: $staminaDamage to ($staminaDamage + $subSqueeze))
(set: $subHealth to ($subStamina - $staminaDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1) and ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 1)]
}(if: $fight is 'on')[Opponent's Resistance: (round: $oppSubHealth)
Your Submission Stamina: (round: $subHealth)]
{(set: $squeeze to it + 1)
{(set: $oppStamina to ($oppStamina - $squeeze * 1.5))
(set: $stamina to ($stamina - $squeeze * 3.5))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1) and ($subHealth > 1))[
[[He's done, it's over!!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($oppSubHealth > 1) and ($subHealth < 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[He's managed to escape!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($oppSubHealth is 1) and ($subHealth < 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[He's escaped when all seemed lost! Incredible!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
}(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[Squeeze]]
[[Hold->Sub Hold]] ]
{(if: ($subGripStatus is not 'Exceptional') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Improve Grip]]
(display: "Stats")
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'false'){(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $moves to it +2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 3)
}(display: "Round time"){
(set: $gripHit to 0)
(if: $subGripStatus is 'Poor')[(set: $hitGrip to -5)]
(if: $subGripStatus is 'Good')[(set: $hitGrip to 2)]
(if: $subGripStatus is 'Great')[(set: $hitGrip to 9)]
(if: $subGripStatus is 'Exceptional')[(set: $hitGrip to 15)]
(set: $moves to it + 1)
(set: $stamina to it - 2)
(if: ($fight is 'on'))[Grip Status: $subGripStatus]
(set: $subHit to (random: 1,100))
{(set: $subHit to ($subHit + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $hitGrip))
Hit Grip: $hitGrip
Stamina: $stamina
(if: ($subHit <= 30) and ($fight is 'on'))[He escapes the hold!
(set: $subGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($subHit > 30) and ($fight is 'on'))[You give his head a knock.(set: $gripHit to it + 10)(set: $oppHeadHealth to it - 1)]
}(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Hold->Sub Hold]]]
{(if: ($subGripStatus is not 'Exceptional') and ($clinch is 'sub') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Improve Grip]] ]}
(display: "Stats"){(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $moves to it +4)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it + 2)
}(display: "Round time")
{(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
}(if: $fight is 'on')[You hold him in place as the clock ticks down.]
{(set: $subHold to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subHold to ($subHold + $wrestDiff + $subDiff + $staminaDiff))
(if: $subHold is <= 45 and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Oh, he's managed to escape from the hold!->He escapes the submission!]]
(set: $stamina to it - 10)
}(if: $subHold is > 35 and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Hold->Sub Hold]]
[[Catch A Breath->Sub Recover]]
[[Improve Grip]]]
(display: "Stats"){(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $moves to it +1)
}(display: "Round time")(if: $fight is 'on')[Deep breath.]
(set: $staminaAffect to it +3)
(set: $stamina to (100 + $staminaAffect))
(if: $stamina > 100) [(set: $stamina to 100)]
(if: $stamina < 0) [(set: $stamina to 0)]
}{(set: $subHold to (random: 1,100))
(set: $subHold to ($subHold + $wrestDiff + $subDiff + $staminaDiff))
(if: $subHold is <= 50 and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Oh, he's managed to escape from the hold!->He escapes the submission!]]
}(if: $subHold is > 50 and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Hold->Sub Hold]]
[[Catch A Breath->Sub Recover]]
[[Improve Grip]]]
(display: "Stats"){(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $moves to it +2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 3)
}(display: "Round time")
{(set: $gripChange to (random: 1,100))
(set: $gripChange to ($gripChange + $subDiff +$staminaDiff + $gripHit))
(if: ($subGripStatus is 'Great' and $gripChange > 30))[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Exceptional')
](if: ($subGripStatus is 'Good' and $gripChange > 30))[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Great')
](if: ($subGripStatus is 'Average' and $gripChange > 30))[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Good')
](if: ($subGripStatus is 'Poor' and $gripChange > 30))[(set: $subGripStatus to 'Average')]
(if: $gripChange <= 30)[(set: $subGripStatus to 'None')(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: $fight is 'on')[Grip Status: $subGripStatus ]
(if: $gripChange <= 30 and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[He escapes the submission!]] ]{
}(if: $gripChange > 30 and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Hold->Sub Hold]]
[[Catch A Breath->Sub Recover]]
(if: ($subGripStatus is not 'Exceptional') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[[Improve Grip]]]
(display: "Stats")
(set: $gripHit to 0){(set: $oppSubmission to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubmission to ($oppSubmission) + ($oppToughness - 60))
}(if: $oppSubmission > 50)[The ref stops the fight as he was about to go to sleep!
That's a very impressive victory, you showed this boxer what MMA is all about!
[[Taunt Dundee]]
[[Console Dundee]]
](if: $oppSubmission <= 50)[He taps out, and that's it!
Just. Like. That.
There may not be a better feeling than making a dangerous, powerful man tap for their lives.
Utter dominance!
[[Taunt Dundee]]
[[Console Dundee]]
{(set: $fight to 'on')
<!-- end of round -->
(set: $moves to it +2)
}(display: "Round time"){
(display: "Health")
(set: $escapeAttempt to (random: 1,100))
(set: $escapeAttempt to ($escapeAttempt + $oppSubDiff + $oppGripHit + $oppStaminaDiff))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 8)
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional' and $escapeAttempt < 20))[(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')(set:$oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $escapeAttempt < 30))[(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $escapeAttempt < 35))[(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $escapeAttempt < 40))[(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $escapeAttempt < 50))[(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $escapeAttempt >= 30))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Exceptional')]
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $escapeAttempt >= 35))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Great')]
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $escapeAttempt >= 40))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Good')]
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $escapeAttempt >= 50))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Average')]
(if: $clinch is not 'Neutral')[You wasted energy trying to escape!]}
Grip Status: $oppSubGripStatus
<!--Sub Defense-->{
{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,15))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,25))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,35))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamagee + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great'))
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 15,60))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,10))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,20))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,30))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,35))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 10,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
{(set: $oppSubDifference to ($oppStamina - $stamina))
(set: $oppSubStamina to ($oppStamina + $oppSubDifference))
(set: $oppSubSqueeze to 10)
(set: $oppStaminaDamage to ($oppStaminaDamage + $oppSubSqueeze))
(set: $oppSubHealth to ($oppSubStamina - $oppStaminaDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
(if: ($subHealth < 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 1)]
}(if: ($clinch is not 'oppSub') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[You escape the submission!->He escapes the submission!]]
](if: ($clinch is 'oppSub') and ($fight is 'on'))[Opponent's Submission Stamina: (round: $oppSubHealth)
Your Resistance: (round: $subHealth)
]{(set: $squeeze to it +1)
{(set: $oppStaminaAffect to ($oppStaminaAffect - $squeeze * 3.5))
(if: ($subHealth < 1) and ($oppSubHealth > 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[You're done, it's all over!!->Go out like a champ]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($subHealth > 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[You've managed to escape!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($subHealth is 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[You've escaped when all seemed lost! Incredible!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
}(if:($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[Escape Attempt]]
[[Fight Grip]]]
{(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is not 'Poor') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Focus on Breathing]]]}
(display: "Stats")
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'false')(set: $oppGripHit to 0){(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $oppGripChange to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppGripChange to ($oppGripChange + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff))
(set: $moves to it +2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
}(display: "Round time"){
<!--Grip fight loss-->
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[His grip is too strong, you've wasted energy trying to escape!(set: $stamina to it - 15)]
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[You fight his grip, but he is too strong and his grip has now tightened!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Exceptional')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[You fight his grip, but he somehow tigthens his grip!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Great')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[You fight his submission, but make a mistake and his grip has now tightened!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Good')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[You fight his grip, but sloppy technique now means he has a tighter hold!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Average')
<!--Grip fight win-->
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $oppGripChange < 30))[(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $oppGripChange < 30))[You loosen his grip, now's your chance to attempt an escape!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Poor')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $oppGripChange < 30))[You manage to loosen his grip.(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Average')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $oppGripChange < 30))[You fight his grip, and manage to loosen it slightly.(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Good')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional' and $oppGripChange < 30))[You fight his tight grip, and somehow manage to loosen it slightly.(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Great')]
<!--Sub Defense-->
(if: $fight is 'on')[Grip Status: $oppSubGripStatus]
{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,15))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,25))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,35))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamagee + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great'))
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 15,60))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,10))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,20))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,30))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,35))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 10,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
{(set: $oppSubDifference to ($oppStamina - $stamina))
(set: $oppSubStamina to ($oppStamina + $oppSubDifference))
(set: $oppSubSqueeze to 10)
(set: $oppStaminaDamage to ($oppStaminaDamage + $oppSubSqueeze))
(set: $oppSubHealth to ($oppSubStamina - $oppStaminaDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
(if: ($subHealth < 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 1)]
}(if: ($clinch is not 'oppSub') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[You escape the submission!->He escapes the submission!]]]
(if: ($clinch is 'oppSub') and ($fight is 'on'))[Opponent's Submission Stamina: (round: $oppSubHealth)
Your Resistance: (round: $subHealth)]
{(set: $squeeze to it +1)
{(set: $oppStamina to ($oppStamina - $squeeze * 3.5))
(if: ($subHealth < 1) and ($oppSubHealth > 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Tap out]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($subHealth > 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[You've managed to escape!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($subHealth is 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[You've escaped when all seemed lost! Incredible!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
}(if:($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[Escape Attempt]]
[[Fight Grip]]]
{(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is not 'Poor') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Focus on Breathing]]]}
(display: "Stats")
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'false')(set: $oppGripHit to 0)
(display: "Round time")(display: "Health")Grip Status: $oppSubGripStatus
{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 15,60))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great'))
[(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,40))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $subSurvival >= 19 and <= 40))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Exceptional')
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $subSurvival < 19))[
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,35))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $subSurvival >= 17 and <= 35))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Great')
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $subSurvival < 17))[
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average'))[(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,25))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $subSurvival >= 12 and <= 25))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Good')
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $subSurvival < 12))[
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,15))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $subSurvival >= 7 and <= 15))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Average')
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $subSurvival < 7))[
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
<!-- 2nd Phase -->
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 10,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,35))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $subSurvival >= 17 and <= 35))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Exceptional')
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $subSurvival < 17))[
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,30))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $subSurvival >= 14 and <= 30))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Great')
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $subSurvival < 14))[
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,20))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $subSurvival >= 9 and <= 20))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Good')
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $subSurvival < 9))[
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,10))]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $subSurvival >= 4 and <= 10))[(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Average')
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]]
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false' and $oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $subSurvival < 4))[
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
{(set: $oppSubDifference to ($oppStamina - $stamina))
(set: $oppSubStamina to ($oppStamina + $oppSubDifference))
(set: $oppSubSqueeze to 10)
(set: $oppStaminaDamage to ($oppStaminaDamage + $oppSubSqueeze))
(set: $oppSubHealth to ($oppSubStamina - $oppStaminaDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
(if: ($subHealth < 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 1)]
}(if: $clinch is not 'oppSub')[ [[You escape the submission!->He escapes the submission!]]]
(if: $clinch is 'oppSub')[Opponent's Submission Stamina: (round: $oppSubHealth)
Your Resistance: (round: $subHealth)]
{(set: $squeeze to it +1)
(if: $oppSubGripStatus is not 'Poor' and $clinch is not 'Neutral')[
[[Focus on Breathing]]
]} {
(if: ($subHealth > 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1))[
[[You've managed to escape!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
](if: ($subHealth is 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1))[
[[You've escaped when all seemed lost! Incredible!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
]}(if:($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($subHealth > 1) and ($oppSubHealth > 1))[
[[Escape Attempt]]
[[Fight Grip]]
](set: $oppStamina to ($oppStamina - $squeeze * 3.5))
(if: ($subHealth < 1) and ($oppSubHealth > 1))[
[[Tap out]]
[[Go out like a champ]]
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(display: "Stats")
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'false')(set: $oppGripHit to 0)
{(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $clinch to 'grapple')
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,100))
(set: $moves to it +3)
}(display: "Round time")(display: "Round time")(set: $opponentAttack to (either: 'Takedown','Hit','Hit','Breath','Push')){
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(set: $clinchStrength to 0)
(set: $oppClinchStrength to 0)
(if: $clinch is 'defendGrap' and ($fight is 'on'))[He has the underhooks.(set: $oppClinchStrength to 36)(set: $opponentAttack to 'Takedown')]
(set: $reaction to it + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppWrestDiff + $oppSubDiff + $oppClinchStrength + $powerDifference)
(set: $clinchFight to (random: 1,100))
(set: $clinchFight to it + $staminaDiff + $wrestlingDiff + $subDiff + $clinchStrength + $powerDifference - $oppClinchStrength)}{
(if: ($clinchFight is <= 35) and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is 'defendGrap'))[He defends the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $oppClinchStrength to it + 36)
](if: ($clinchFight is <= 35) and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is not 'defendGrap'))[Oh, he's got the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $oppClinchStrength to it + 36)
](if: ($clinchFight is > 35 and < 65) and ($fight is 'on'))[You both fight for underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
](if: ($clinchFight is >= 65) and ($fight is 'on'))[You get the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $clinch to 'underhooks')
{(if: $fight is 'on')[(display: "Opp Clinch Work")]}
(if: ($clinch is not 'defendGrap') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($clinch is not 'defendTake') and ($clinch is not 'sub') and ($clinch is not 'defendFullMount') and ($opponentAttack is not 'Push') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Fight for Position]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: ($clinch is not 'defendFullMount') and ($clinch is 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($opponentAttack is not 'Push') and ($fight is 'on'))[(set: $clinchStrength to + 12)
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: $clinch is 'defendGrap' and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($opponentAttack is not 'Push') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Fight for Position]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: ($clinch is 'sub') or ($clinch is 'defendTake') and ($opponentAttack is not 'Push') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Defend pressure]]
](if: $clinch is 'defendGrap' and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($opponentAttack is 'Push') and ($reaction is < 50) and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Fight for Position]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Push') and ($reaction is >= 50))[
](display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $newClinch to 'No'){(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,100))
(set: $moves to it +2)
}(display: "Round time")(set: $opponentAttack to (either: 'Takedown','Hit','Breath','Breath', 'Push')){
(set: $clinchHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $clinchHit to ($clinchHit + $wrestDiff + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $strDiff + $hitGrip))
(if: ($clinchHit <= 40) and ($fight is 'on'))[He blocks your hit.
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 2)
](if: ($clinchHit > 40 and < 70) and ($fight is 'on'))[You sneak a hit in.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random:1,5))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 2)
](if: ($clinchHit > 70 and < 90) and ($fight is 'on'))[That's a nice knee up the middle.
(set: $oppBodyDamage to it + (random:4,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:6,10))
(if: ($clinchHit >= 91) and ($fight is 'on'))[Nice elbow!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random:6,25))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
{(set: $clinchFight to (random: 1,100))
(set: $clinchFight to it + $staminaDiff + $wrestlingDiff + $subDiff + $clinchStrength + $powerDifference - $oppClinchStrength)}{
(if: ($clinchFight is <= 40) and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is 'defendGrap'))[He defends the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $oppClinchStrength to it + 36)
](if: ($clinchFight is <= 40) and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is not 'defendGrap'))[Oh, he's got the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $oppClinchStrength to it + 36)
](if: ($clinchFight is > 40 and < 80) and ($fight is 'on'))[You both fight for underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
](if: ($clinchFight is >= 80) and ($fight is 'on') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks'))[You get the underhooks.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,10))
(set: $clinch to 'underhooks')
{(if: $fight is 'on')[(display: "Opp Clinch Work")]}
(if: ($clinch is not 'defendGrap') and ($opponentAttack is not 'Push') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($clinch is not 'defendTake') and ($clinch is not 'sub') and ($clinch is not 'defendFullMount') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Fight for Position]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: ($clinch is not 'defendFullMount') and ($opponentAttack is not 'Push') and ($clinch is 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[(set: $clinchStrength to + 12)
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: $clinch is 'defendGrap' and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($opponentAttack is not 'Push') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Fight for Position]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: $clinch is 'defendGrap' and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($opponentAttack is 'Push') and ($reaction is < 50) and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Push Away->Fight]]
[[Fight for Position]]
[[Hit->Hit in clinch]]
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Push') and ($reaction is >= 50))[
(set: $moves to it + 3)
}(if: $clinch is not 'defendGrap')[(display: "Next Action")]
(display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $newClinch to 'No'){(set: $trip to (random: 1,100))
(display: "Health")
(set: $trip to ($trip + $wrestDiff + $staminaDiff))
}{(if: $trip is < 20)[
[[He reverses your trip attempt and is now on top!->Survive]]
(set: $oppStamina to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $position to 'Grounded')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'true')
(set: $oppSubHealth to 100)
(set: $oppSubDamage to 0)
(set: $subHealth to 100)
(set: $subDamage to 0)
(set: $squeeze to 0)
](if: $trip is >= 20 and < 80)[
[[He stifles you're trip attempt.->Clinch]]
(set: $oppStamina to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $position to 'Grounded')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'true')
(set: $oppSubHealth to 100)
(set: $oppSubDamage to 0)
(set: $subHealth to 100)
(set: $subDamage to 0)
(set: $squeeze to 0)
](if: $trip is >= 80)[
[[You take him down with a trip and have full mount!->Full Mount]](set: $oppStamina to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to it - (random:1,4))
(set: $oppHeadHealth to it - (random:1,2))
(set: $moves to it + 2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 12)
(set: $stamina to (100 + $staminaAffect))
(display: "Stats")"What do you mean?"
//He rolls up his sleeves to show his wiry forearms.//
Brother: "Look at your arms and look at mine. That's caused by malnutrition."
//From your new, raw vegan lifestyle...//
Brother: "I saw something on a documentary, that's why that lady was always so skinny. You know that pretty lady who looked like an elf or some shit, she was an actress... well she was raised during World War 2, so she grew up all malnutritioned and shit."
[[Audrey Hepburn?]]
[[Michael Jackson?]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)(if: $botherBrother is 'yes')[You bother me, then ignore me? Fuck you.]
(if: $broHarsh is 'true')[That was probably a bit harsh, but this fucker was too chirpy. I've got serious things to think about, I don't need his hyper shit-chat.]
//You look at your notes and realise you don't recognise them.//
[[These aren't my notes?]]That's right, straight A's.
Only A's are needed.
Do you know who invented the sonnet?
[[Please let me concentrate->I need to concentrate now]]
[[Giacomo da Lentini]]
[[Francesco Petrarca]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)Brother: "At the bottom of the ocean, you find pearls, so don't be scared to go deep."
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)What the fuck did I do? You talking as if I'm some pervert or shit. I ate too many buttercream biscuits yesterday, that's as bad as I get.
[[I need to concentrate now]]
[[Just start making celery biscuits and you'll be fine]]
[[You killed a man]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)...
[[Look at fighter notes]]
[[I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you]]
[[Yeah that shut you up]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)Yeah. Funny. My quiche was great, fuck you.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)...
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)
(set: $broHarsh to 'true')No lies were told.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
[[Still, I'm sorry]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)Listen brother. There ain't nothing to be sorry about. That's the game we play, so make sure you respect it. Because there might be a moment you hesitate and that might be the moment that costs you you're life.
It's kill or be killed.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
[[It doesn't have to be, it's just a sport]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)Say that to Mike Tyson? "I'm not an athlete, so don't call me an athlete. Sports are social occasions. I don't do social occasions. I'm a warrior. I go to war."
Do you understand what that man is saying?
Because if you don't understand, you're in the wrong game.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
[[You say it's not a sport but then you keep calling it a game]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)War is a game. Chess is a game. Everything is a fucking game.
Life is a game!
[[Look at fighter notes]]
[[That's how I like to look at it, like it's all a game]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)But that's the problem, you see it as just a game. But it's not just a game, it's a game of life and death.
You want to look at the numbers and all that- no don't roll your eyes, you want to look at all the numbers, and that's good for some games. Chess, chequers, I don't know, badminton probably. But you don't have time to do that in there. Not against the best in the world. It has to be instinctive. They ain't looking at numbers, they're looking into your eyes. And if your eyes see numbers, trust me brother, their eyes will see prey.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
[[That's your opinion but I got to do things my way]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)It's my way or the highway, so you better have your seatbelt on, cause either way there's gonna be a crash.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)That's what a lot of people think but it was actually some Italian guy, Giacomo da Lentini. Then it was popularised by another Italian guy, I forget his name. Petrol or Petrili or something. And then a couple of hundred years later, Shakespeare does it, and that's the only one that's remembered.
So the moral of the story is don't give a fuck about anything, they just remember who they choose to.
[[Ramble, ramble, ramble]]
[[You sound bitter]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)That's right, good girl, you get a ribbon.
[[Did you know that?]]
[[You're being offensive to the LGBT community again]]
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)No, he made them famous but a lot of people say it was actually another Italian guy, Giacomo da Lentini who came up with it. Then a few hundred years later, Shakespeare does it, and that's the only one that's remembered.
So the moral of the story is don't give a fuck about anything, they just remember who they choose to.
[[Ramble, ramble, ramble]]
[[You sound bitter]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)You can only be hurt if you don't see it coming, but you gotta see it coming because I'm always fucking up, so who's really to blame for the hurting when I'm fucking up? Me? Or the people dumb enough to believe in me being what they want me to be?
[[Michael Jackson]]
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)Well I'm sorry to them, and as you seem to be their ambassador I'm sorry to you too.
You know, you always try to make out like I'm some kind of bad guy, but you know I'm a good guy so I don't care.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
[[Yeah I know you are a good guy, I love you brother]]
[[Well you did kill a man->You killed a man]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)And there's another ribbon because he's always saying "ow" so you're right.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)Don't be a pussy. But I love you too.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)What the fuck do you think I'm holding the ribbon for?
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)Don't be disrespectful, read your notes.
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)Brother: "I'm bitter so you can be better, how about that?"
//Your brother is an interesting character. He often uses provocative statements the same way he used to use light strikes in a fight. As bait for the person opposite to show themselves. If you looked at him dismissively, he saw you as arrogant. If you agreed with everything he said, he saw you as insecure, etc, etc...
It wasn't your knowledge he wanted to test but your character. He wanted to know your weaknesses.
Whether he did this consciously was not of importance. This is what he did. But that wasn't the subtext this time.
This time, his words were used as a distraction for your nerves. And it had worked. He had kept your mind busy enough to ease the anxiety.
Your calm frequency is hit by the muttering static of a madman coming closer. //
[[Turn to look]]
[[Stay looking forward]]Yeah I did you some new ones. Thank me later.
[[Look through new notes]]
[[Give me my notes]]
(set: $firstNote to 'yes')(if: $firstNote is 'yes')[I made the notes real simple. Because fighting is real simple.
](else:)[Good boy.]
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
Remember what mom used to say? If you don't listen to teacher and you'll get fucked up.
[[Take your notes]]
[[Look through new notes]]
You should know your notes already, look at my notes.
[[Look at your notes]]
[[Look through new notes]]
(set: $haveNotes to 'true')
Fake nutter, run right through him.
[[What about his predictions?]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]Tire the big fucker.
(if: $firstNote is 'yes')[
[[This is too simple]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[Is he a strong wrestler?]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[Look at your notes]]
(set: $firstNote to 'no')Don't let him think. Easy.
[[I heard he has the best game plans?]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]He doesn't want it, drown him.
[[How do you know?]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]Don't worry about this skank, worry about yourself.
(if: $firstNote is 'yes')[
[[Give me my notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[Punches or kicks?]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Look at your notes]]
(set: $firstNote to 'no')Get in this virgin's head.
[[I heard he's good?]]
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]No, you're too dumb to make it easy.
Fine, i'll give you one question for each fighter too.Jabs, low kicks, then at the right time BOOOM.
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]Strong until he's not.
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]He wants you to be as scared as him.
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]This mother fucker got a guitar, he don't want it.
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]Outpoint him.
[[You think I can't finish him?]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]Don't matter if you're not ready.
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]The easiest path is the path.
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Pete notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]Everybody got a plan until they get punched in the face.
[[Dundee notes]]
[[Eze notes]]
[[Magovos notes]]
[[The Kid notes]]
[[Brian notes]]
[[Kazushi notes]]
[[This is what I need, thanks]]
[[This is too simple]]
[[Look at your notes]]Dundee (Scotland)
An unpredictable, dangerous striker. Dundee is part clown, part poet, part killer. Has a mysterious ability to predict the way he will finish you.
Speed: 70-80
Power: 90-100
Toughness: 80-90
Footwork: 70-80
Striking Attack: 70-80
Striking Defence 90-100
Wrestling Attack: 90-100)
Wrestling Defence: 90-100)
Submission Attack: 70-80)
Submission Defence: 90-100)
Personality: Passive
(set: $defensiveWizard to 'On')
Eze (Cameroon)
A stoic, spiritual BJJ legend. A humble man that posseses unearthly power, he is the type of man to kill you by accident and then befriend your parents. If he grabs you or strikes you, you're in a world of trouble.
Pete (USA)
A highly intelligent, calculating tactician. Has detailed research on every fighter and uses his multi-faceted skillset to make any necessary adjustments whilst in combat. A superb counter striker, he will lay multiple traps at the same time.
Magovos (Greece)
A soft-natured, hard centred wrestler. A cultured philosopher, he'd rather perform in an arena than fight in one. He can physically and emotionally drain you.
The Kid (Brazil)
A battle hardened streetfighter. No nonsense and confrontational, his low impact/high energy fight style makes him a nightmare to deal with. Can be incredibly elusive when he starts doing his "ninja shit".Kazushi (Japan)
A battle hardened streetfighter. No nonsense and confrontational, his low impact/high energy fight style makes him a nightmare to deal with. Can be incredibly elusive when he starts doing his "ninja shit".Brian (UK)
Highly touted as the next big thing. Has had the best coaches from a young age, he comes from wealth but has a chip on his shoulder. Very confident demeanour. Not a lot of info on him but is said to be elite in every aspect of the game.
[[Brian in-depth notes]]
[[Dundee in-depth notes]]
[[Eze in-depth notes]]
[[Pete in-depth notes]]
[[Magovos in-depth notes]]
[[The Kid in-depth notes]]
[[Kazushi in-depth notes]]
[[Look through new notes]]
You would usually love something like this. Quiet train. Luxurious cabin. Incredible views. Even the idea of impending competition would usually get you excited. You usually love that feeling. The competitive brew.
(after: 11s)[
But this time something feels different. Something feels not quite right. There's a knot in your stomach.]
(after: 17s)[
You look across at your (text-color:green)[brother]. He's more fidgety than usual but still looks lost in deep thought. He won't admit it, but he can feel it too. You try to tell yourself it's the stormy weather causing this unease. But in the back of your mind, you feel the dark clouds are symbolic of something darker ahead.]
(after: 37s)[
You try to keep your mind busy. It's important to keep it in the right frame. Mind, body and soul and all that jazz.]
(after: 45s)[
Your brother looks your way and catches your stress.]
(after: 53s)[
Brother: "What are you thinking?"]
[[Just ready to fight]] (text-color:yellow)[Mentality: Fighter]
[[I'm nervous]] (text-color:yellow)[Mentality: Honest]
[[I feel unprepared]] (text-color:yellow)[Mentality: Perfectionist]
(set: $headphones to 'off')
(set: $broHappy to 0)
(set: $broAngry to 0)
(set: $broSad to 0)
(set: $broConvo1 to 0)Global
$headphones = you have your headphones on or off
Scene 1
$botherBrother = you choose to bother your bro
$broConvo1 = Length of time you talk to your bro in scene 1
$broHarsh = You bring up the fact your brother has killed someone
$firstNote = you haven't read your first note yet
$haveNotes = you take your notes off of your brother
Brother: "That's it.
You ready.
Just sleep now.
If sleeping was a drug, everybody would be doing it better."
[[Take a nap]]Brother: "Get prepared.
You got your notes."
[[Look at fighter notes]] //You pull your beanie down over your eyes to darken your sight. Going into this dark place relaxes you. If this is what death is like, it ain't so bad. You were born from death. You were born for it.
The melodic sound of the train massages your mind into a peaceful slumber. Everything suddenly seems oh so simple.//
[[...]]"I'm nervous."
//He looks you up and down, his eyes searching for more weakness.//
Brother: "Nervous?"
//His investigation brings no returns. He realises this isn't a weak moment, but a moment of strength in acceptance. He's somewhat proud.//
Brother: "Here, have some tea."
[[Is it hot?]]
[[Fine]]//He smiles at his success.//
Brother: "Remember when mum used to make you those sandwiches because you were skinny? Look at you now and look at me."
//This fucker is so random.//
[[What do you mean?]]
//He looks at you dead-eyed.//
Brother: "Wuyi tea."
//It isn't funny, but it's funny.//
[[Sounds about right]]"Sounds about right."
//He puts Santa's fat foot back in his rucksack.//
Brother: "Remember when mum used to make you those sandwiches because you were skinny? Look at you now and look at me."
//He is so random.//
[[What do you mean?]]
"Is it hot?"
//Your brother pulls out what appears to be Santas fat foot from his rucksack. It is in fact a chunky flask, wrapped in an even chunkier Christmas stocking.//
Brother: "What do you thnk?"
//He pours you some tea.//
Brother: "This tea is from the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian, China."
[[What's the tea called?]]
?: "Practicing for our fight?"
?: "Fuck you."
?: "Were you rambling away, tell the truth?"
?: "I'll ramble you muthafucka."
[[Open eyes]]Dundee: "There he is, sleeping beauty."
Brother: "Muthafucka, you better back your shadow away."
//What the fuck have you woken up to? You know your brother well enough to know he's on the precipice of violence.//
[[Attack Dundee]]
[[Calm situation down]]
//You attempt to attack the old man but are tackled to the ground again. This day has been a bad advert for violence.
Part of you is relieved you were stopped. Your brother's only hope is in the hands of the one that put him down.
The doctor seems to be working which can only be a good sign.
You're not a religious man but you say a prayer out loud. The man holding you down releases his grip on you, though remains in your way of the doctor.//
Doctor (to one of Dundee's coaches): "We need to arrange medical care on arrival."
//Hope! There's hope! Maybe the prayer was working.//
//Dundee's coach leads a prayer now. He seems a good man.
"Audrey Hepburn?"
Brother: "That's right, well done brother. At least you always reading has made you useful."
[[I'd get you a book if you knew how to read]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)"I'd get you a book if you knew how to read."
//He's so clearly irritated by your cheap jibe.//
Brother: "I know how to read, so the jokes on you. I read your birth certificate and I read your daddy was a panda, that's why you always got black eyes, how about that? We ain't really brothers, we're half brother's, that's why you're half stupid."
//You find his stress funny.//
Brother: "You know what a sonnet is?"
[[It's fun to see you discover new words]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)"It's fun to see you discover new words."
//He tries to ignore your dig, which means it super annoyed him.//
Brother: "You know most people think Shakespeare invented the sonnet but it was actually some Italian guy, Giacomo da Lentini. Then it was popularised by another Italian guy, I forget his name. Petrol or Petrili or something. And then a couple of hundred years later, Shakespeare does it, and that's the only one that's remembered."
//He does this sometimes. Rambling tangents seemingly leading nowhere until he plucks some random moral out of the air and tries to sound philosophical.//
Brother: "So the moral of the story is don't give a fuck about anything, they just remember who they choose to, how they choose to. We might write our stories but we don't publish them."
[[You sound bitter]]
[[That's deep]]
(set: $jab to (random:1,300))
<!-- player jab result -->
}(if: $jab <= 100)
[//You launch a clumsy attack at Dundee, who slips then counters sweetly, putting you on your arse.
Your brother attempts to regain some family dignity but his raw vegan lifestyle has left him too flimsy to fight and he is tossed aside like an old contact lens.//
Dundee: "What on earth are yous twos doing?"
//Dundee's coach steps in to calm things down.//
Dundee's coach: "Ok, that's enough now lads."
Dundee: "Stay on the train boys, yeah. There are gorillas in this jungle."
//That was even more embarrassing than the time you told your school crush that you liked her and she said sorry but your face gave her the ick.//
}(if: $jab >= 101 and <= 200)
[//You attack Dundee, who blocks before pushing you away with a teep kick.
Your brother attempts to help out but his raw vegan lifestyle has left him too flimsy to fight and he is tossed aside like an old onion skin.
Dundee's coach quickly steps in to calm things down.//
Dundee's coach: "Ok, that's enough now lads."
Dundee: "Hahahah. You little twerps. This is my jungle, yeah! Stay on the train lads."
//That was even more embarrassing than the time you told your school crush that you liked her and she said sorry but your face gave her the ick.//
}(if: $jab >= 201)
[//You launch a swift attack at Dundee, who is caught by surprise and knocked over.
Your brother quickly joins in, getting a swift kick in before Dundee's coach comes running in.//
Dundee's coach: "Hey, hey!!"
//Other's come in and calm things down before they can escalate further, but they've escalated enough already. You made a statement to the other's that you're here and you're ready for war. And at the same time, you made yourself an enemy .//
Dundee: "That was a fooking cheap shot, you weasal! I'm gonna bury you both! Count down the seconds! Because I'm coming for the both of yous and my shots are filthy rich!"
]"Michael Jackson?"
//Your brother decides not to understand your humour.//
"What the fuck are you talking about, I said pretty woman, that motherfucker looked like an elf a bit I'll give you that. He had all stubble and shit, he had a skinny ass I'll give you that too but he weren't no woman. Ok, if he wanted to go by he said/ she said, or whatever shit they go by nowadays but he still wouldn't be a pretty woman would he? He'd be a skanky ass pigeon pussy."
[[He said/ She said?]]
[[You can't say that]]
[[True]]"You can't say that."
Brother: "What did I say that was wrong?"
[[Doesn't matter, I need to concentrate->I need to concentrate now]]
[[Skanky ass pigeon pussy]]
[[You're being offensive to the LGBT community]]
[[All of it]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)"He said/she said."
He appears genuinely perplexed by your complaint.
Brother: "Yeah, he-said, she-said. You can't say 'he' now? Go cry about it to Shakespeare, he'll write you a sonnet.
You know what a sonnet is?"
[[I need to concentrate now]]
[[A type of poem]]
[[It's fun to see you discover new words]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)"Skanky ass pigeon pussy."
Again, he decides to take your complaints dead seriously.
"He's as dead as a flat pigeon, so you don't need to worry your pretty little head about him crying."
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)"You're being offensive to the LGBT community."
//Your brother squirms at your softness. He leans forward with intent and whispers his words to protect you.//
Brother: "You going to be a soft motherfucker your whole life? You're meant to be a killer, a natural born killer. You're going to go up against the coldest motherfucker's. Fuck you, you ain't ready."
[[Fuck you]]
[[Help me get ready then]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)"All of it."
Brother: "All of everything is nothing, so I'm not going to feel too bad about it.
I don't want no arguments though, so whatever upset you, I'm sorry.
Now do your work."
//You smile at the attempt at maturity shown by your brother. He's trying, bless him.//
[[Look at fighter notes]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)"Help me get ready then."
//Your brother is flabbergasted at this request.//
Brother: "Help you get ready?"
//He stands up and slaps you hard.//
Brother "I've been helping you get ready your whole damn life. Nothing can help you, you're a natural born pussy."
Your brother raises his hand to strike you again...
[[Hit brother]]
[[Block strike]]
//You stand up and slap your brother. He instantly slaps you back, before grabbing his rucksack and swinging it at you.//
[[Lean back]]//You lean back out of the way but one of the straps, flicks out and strikes your lip, causing it to bleed.//
Dundee: "Brotherly love, hahahaha."
//Without either of you realising, the notorious Dundee has strolled upon your fight and seems almost giddy with the exchange. A legendary striker and madman, this is an environment he feels at home with.//
Brother: "Fuck you, motherfucker."
[[Hit brother-Hit brother 1]]
[[Hit Dundee->Hit Dundee 1]]
[[Calm situation down]]
//You turn around and see Dundee cock-walking towards you. //
Dundee: "...there's only two of them in front of me..."
//He smiles a Hollywood smile, as he sees you looking towards him.//
Dundee: "Hey fellas... which one of yous is fighting? Benjamin you look ready for a scrap."
Brother: "You stay ready, ninja."
//Everything about this guy is exhuberant. Even his fragrance is dominating, as if it's lifted it's leg to piss all over yours.//
He approaches your table.//
Dundee: "What tea is that?"
[[Wuyi tea]]
[[Attack Dundee]]//You decide not to give him he benefit of your attention.//
Dundee: "...there's only two of them in front of me. So I called out to their fellas to give them a chance. But they wouldn't come! So now I'm feeling sorry for these two, and I'm eyeing the group!"
//Everything about this guy is exhuberant. Even his fragrance is dominating, as if it's lifted it's leg to piss all over yours. His presence triggers a natural fight or flight anxiety. He's done nothing yet but you are already on standby.
As he approaches your table, his step pattern slows. An interaction is incoming.//
Dundee: "Look at the happy couple."
//Your brother stands up. His fight or fight response has been triggered.//
Brother: "Fuck you."
[[Stay seated]]
[[Stand up]]//You stay seated.//
Dundee: "Withdraw the hostilities my friend, I got nothing but respect for you. You are a legend of the fight game..."
Brother: "You're a rookie."
Dundee: "...a rookie that would annihilate your prime self, never mind this melted version."
Brother: "Melted into water."
Dundee: "Melted into one of those fucking things in Little Mermaid, when Ursula sucks the life out of them, hahahaha."
//Your brother stands up.//
Brother: "Back your shadow up fool, before I put you in the shadows."
[[Calm situation down]]
[[Attack Dundee]]
[[Stay quiet]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)//You stand up.//
Dundee (to you): "What are you standing up for? When the king walks past, you bow."
[[Calm situation down]]
[[Attack Dundee]]
[[Stay quiet->Stay quiet 2]]
(set: $broConvo1 to it + 1)"Wuyi tea."
Dundee: "Hahaha, bless you little fella. (to your brother) Very polite this one, are you sure he's your brother?"
//Your brother stands up.//
Brother: "Fuck you, I'm your father."
[[Calm situation down]]
[[Attack Dundee]]
[[Stay quiet]]//You shake your head. All this posturing is tiring.//
[[Nap]]//You pull your beanie down and relax your mind. This peace is appreciated as you prepare for war.//
[[...->....]]"We don't get paid for fighting today."
//Dundee's coach steps in and ushers his man away.//
Dundee's coach: "He's right, come on."
Dundee (to your brother): "He's not like us, is he? Hahahaha!"
//He is insinuating you are not a true fighter.
In the fight game, there is an acknowledgement that there are two types of fighters. The 'athletic fighter', trained for competition and focused solely on getting the 'W". And the 'true fighter'. The one that would fight for no audience. The feral one, fighting for territory and respect.
It may have been used as an insult against you, but the truth is being a 'true fighter' isn't necessarily the best path. Many of the best fighters of all time do not enjoy fighting. And whilst the ones that do often initially end up with more fans, their fickle nature and your extra CTE means neither of you are likely to remember each other anyways.//
[[Say nothing]]"I'm not like anyone."
//Dundee looks back at you with a smile.//
Dundee: "God bless you kid. Listen to your brother."
[[Fuck you->Fuck you 1]]
[[Smile back]]//You smile at the friendly response. Your brother is irked.//
Brother: "You ain't no kid, and you don't listen to me unless you wanna listen to me."
//Your brother takes a deep sigh.//
[[Well I don't wanna listen to you now]]
[[I'm giving him a false sense of security]]"Fuck you."
//This time Dundee doesn't look back. He's said what he wanted to say and has quickly gone back into a conversation with his coach. Whether it has been done intentionally or not, it appears you are of little significance in his world.//
Brother: "He heard you, don't worry."
//Your brother is reassured with how you handled the situation.//
Brother: "Everything you do is something and everything he does is something. But you've got to make it look like everything you do is everything and everything he does is nothing. That's the fight game."
//A little fuck you goes a long way it seems.//
[[Read fighter notes]]
[[Take a nap]] "Sorry."
//Your brother's temper overflows and he kicks out at you under the table. It's a digging kick with heel just below your knee and it bloody hurts. He quickly retracts his aggression.//
Brother: "I'm sorry. Sorry"
[[I know what I'm doing]]
[[What would you do?]]
"Well I don't wanna listen to you now."
//Your brother physically pulls back, almost to get a clearer perspective on your response.//
Brother: "What am I even doing here, huh? You've already got all the answers."
[[I'm sorry, I'm just stressed]]
[[Go home]]"I'm giving him a false sense of security."
//Everything you say seems to irk your brother more and more.//
Brother: "You making him confident? Ok. Why don't you suck his cock and bring him cookies too. That should work."
[[I know what I'm doing]]
[[What would you do?]]
"I know what I'm doing."
//Your brother eases a little.//
Brother: "Maybe you do. I didn't get everything right. Some of the best fighters are dorks, maybe you're just one of them."
//A back-handed compliment at least. It seems he gets anxious when you show weakness. Just like anyone, he needs reassurance too at times.//
Brother: "You should get some rest, always recharge when you can."
[[Take a nap->Take a nap 1]]
[[Read fighter notes]]"What would you do?"
//Your brother looks at you with a stone cold stare. He pulls a protein bar out of his pocket, opens it up and gives it a bite. He is slightly more composed now.//
Brother: "You ain't me."
//He puts the second half in his mouth and calms down some more. He scrunches the wrapper in his battered hands, before putting it in his pocket. He takes a deep sigh and nods.//
Brother: "And that's ok."
//The man just needed some sugar.//
[[Read fighter notes]]
[[Take a nap->Take a nap 1]]
//Your brother nods. //
Brother: "I get it brother. Re-charge your batteries. This is ."
[[Take a nap->Take a nap 1]]"Go home."
//Your brother nods to himself.//
Brother: "Yeah. Ok."
//Your brother sinks back into his seat and looks out of the window. The vibes are solemn. You're both tired of all this bickering.//
[[Take a nap->Take a nap 1]]//Your brother watches you melt into your chair. He rams his head into Dundee's midriff, which catches him off guard, and in the tight constraints of the carriage, trips him over. Dundee's coach is quickly on the scene to seperate the two protagonists.//
Brother: "Don't be falling for no man."
//Quick as a flash Dundee smacks you in the head as you're looking at your brother.//
Dundee: "1-1!"
//Dundee is pulled away by his coach as he laughs to himself.//
Head Health: 98%
{(display: "Round time")
(display: "Opponent Attack")
(if: $dundeeAgg is not "Attack")[(set: $fightChat to it + 1)]
(set: $moves to it + 2)
(if: $dundeeAgg is "Attack")[
//Can't talk now, he's got a mad look in his eyes!//
(set: $madDundee to 'yes')
](if: $fightChat is 1)[
"You're strong, I'm impressed."
Dundee: "I'm just getting started."
(set: $everyAttack to it +2)
](if: $fightChat is 2)[
"You're getting tired, though, right?"
Dundee: "I can go all day baby!"
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it +3)
(set: $everyAttack to it +2)
](if: $fightChat is 3)[
"You're getting tired, though, right?"
Dundee: "I can go all day baby!"
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it +3)
(set: $everyAttack to it +2)
](if: $fightChat is 3)[
"Isn't that a minute gone, still no knock out?"
Dundee: "Don't worry, you'll be counting sheep soon."
(set: $everyAttack to it +3)
](if: $fightChat is 4)[
"You're impressed I'm still here aren't you?"
Dundee: "You are a different kind of lunatic."
(set: $everyAttack to it +4)
](if: $fightChat is 5)[
"Why don't we just stop all this fighting and become best buds?"
Dundee: "Hahaha, you're a maniac.."
(set: $everyAttack to it +5)
](if: $fightChat is 6)[
Dundee: "I'll be honest, I'm feeling a bit tired. Shall we just coast this until the end?"
//Got him...//
(set: $everyAttack to it +100)
(set: _oppCounter to 0)
(set: $staminaAffect to it + 2)
{(if: $oppPosition is 'Grounded')[He gets back up. (set: $position to 'Standing')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')] (else:)[(display: "Opponent Ready")]
(display: "Opponent Jab")
(display: "Opponent Takedown")
(display: "Opponent Strike")
(display: "Health")
(display: "Next Action")
(display: "Stats")
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(if: $ft is 'yes')[(set: $fightThought to it + 10)
(set: $ft to 'no'){
(set: $oppStrAttack to 95)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 81)
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,100))
(set: $reaction to it + $staminaAffect + $oppEveryAttack - $defence)
(set: $fight to 'on')
(set: $jab1 to (random:1,2))
(set: $jab2 to (random:2,3))
(set: $jab3 to (random:3,4))
(set: $jab4 to (random:4,10))
(set: $jab5 to (random:10,20))
(set: $oppJab1 to (random:1,5))
(set: $oppJab2 to (random:6,7))
(set: $oppJab3 to (random:8,9))
(set: $oppJab4 to (random:10,16))
(set: $oppJab5 to (random:17,26))
(set: $oppStraight1 to (random:4,17))
(set: $oppStraight2 to (random:18,25))
(set: $oppStraight3 to (random:26,50))
(set: $oppLHook1 to (random:4,13))
(set: $oppLHook2 to (random:14,18))
(set: $oppLHook3 to (random:19,40))
(set: $oppBPunch1 to (random:4,10))
(set: $oppBPunch2 to (random:11,18))
(set: $oppBPunch3 to (random:19,30))
(set: $oppLKick to (random:1,3))
(set: $oppBKick1 to (random:4,11))
(set: $oppBKick2 to (random:12,23))
(set: $oppBKick3 to (random:24,36))
(set: $oppTKick1 to (random:2,10))
(set: $oppTKick2 to (random:11,14))
(set: $oppTKick3 to (random:15,16))
(set: $oppHKick1 to (random:3,17))
(set: $oppHKick2 to (random:18,27))
(set: $oppHKick3 to (random:28,70))
(set: $oppFKnee1 to (random:16,26))
(set: $oppFKnee2 to (random:27,76))
(set: $oppFKick1 to (random:17,27))
(set: $oppFKick2 to (random:28,70))
(set: $oppSBFist1 to (random:18,23))
(set: $oppSBFist2 to (random:24,45))}{(set: $reaction to (random: 1,300))
(set: $reaction to it + $staminaAffect + $oppEveryAttack - $defence)
(set: $fight to 'on')
(set: $jab1 to (random:1,2))
(set: $jab2 to (random:2,3))
(set: $jab3 to (random:3,4))
(set: $jab4 to (random:4,10))
(set: $jab5 to (random:10,20))
(set: $oppJab1 to (random:1,2))
(set: $oppJab2 to (random:2,3))
(set: $oppJab3 to (random:3,4))
(set: $oppJab4 to (random:4,10))
(set: $oppJab5 to (random:10,20))
(set: $oppLKick to (random:1,2))
(set: $oppBKick1 to (random:3,10))
(set: $oppBKick2 to (random:11,22))
(set: $oppBKick3 to (random:23,30))
(set: $oppStraight1 to (random:1,14))
(set: $oppStraight2 to (random:15,22))
(set: $oppStraight3 to (random:22,35))
(set: $oppLHook1 to (random:1,10))
(set: $oppLHook2 to (random:11,15))
(set: $oppLHook3 to (random:16,25))
(set: $oppBPunch1 to (random:1,7))
(set: $oppBPunch2 to (random:8,15))
(set: $oppBPunch3 to (random:16,20))
(set: $oppTKick1 to (random:1,9))
(set: $oppTKick2 to (random:10,13))
(set: $oppTKick3 to (random:14,15))
(set: $oppFKnee1 to (random:15,25))
(set: $oppFKnee2 to (random:26,70))
(set: $oppFKick1 to (random:15,25))
(set: $oppFKick2 to (random:26,65))
(set: $oppSBFist1 to (random:15,20))
(set: $oppSBFist2 to (random:21,25))}{
(set: $dundeeDefensive to 1)
(set: $oppStrAttack to 80)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 96)
(set: $reaction to (random: 1,100))
(set: $reaction to it + $staminaAffect + $oppEveryAttack - $defence)
(set: $fight to 'on')
(set: $jab1 to (random:1,2))
(set: $jab2 to (random:2,3))
(set: $jab3 to (random:3,4))
(set: $jab4 to (random:4,10))
(set: $jab5 to (random:10,20))
(set: $oppJab1 to (random:1,5))
(set: $oppJab2 to (random:6,7))
(set: $oppJab3 to (random:8,9))
(set: $oppJab4 to (random:10,16))
(set: $oppJab5 to (random:17,26))
(set: $oppStraight1 to (random:4,17))
(set: $oppStraight2 to (random:18,25))
(set: $oppStraight3 to (random:26,50))
(set: $oppLHook1 to (random:4,13))
(set: $oppLHook2 to (random:14,18))
(set: $oppLHook3 to (random:19,40))
(set: $oppBPunch1 to (random:4,10))
(set: $oppBPunch2 to (random:11,18))
(set: $oppBPunch3 to (random:19,30))
(set: $oppLKick to (random:1,3))
(set: $oppBKick1 to (random:4,11))
(set: $oppBKick2 to (random:12,23))
(set: $oppBKick3 to (random:24,36))
(set: $oppTKick1 to (random:2,10))
(set: $oppTKick2 to (random:11,14))
(set: $oppTKick3 to (random:15,16))
(set: $oppHKick1 to (random:3,17))
(set: $oppHKick2 to (random:18,27))
(set: $oppHKick3 to (random:28,70))
(set: $oppFKnee1 to (random:16,26))
(set: $oppFKnee2 to (random:27,76))
(set: $oppFKick1 to (random:17,27))
(set: $oppFKick2 to (random:28,70))
(set: $oppSBFist1 to (random:18,23))
(set: $oppSBFist2 to (random:24,45))}{(set: $dundeeAggression to 1)
(set: $opponentAttack to 'Jab')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Standing')
(set: $position to 'Standing')
(if: $opponentAttack is 'Strike')[(set: $oppStrike to (either: 'Straight','Straight','Straight','Straight','Body Shot','Body Shot','Hook','Hook','Hook', 'SBF', 'Body Kick', 'Body Kick', 'Head Kick','Head Kick','FK'))]
(set: $oppStrAttack to 110)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 66)
(set: $jab1 to (random:1,2))
(set: $jab2 to (random:2,3))
(set: $jab3 to (random:3,4))
(set: $jab4 to (random:4,10))
(set: $jab5 to (random:10,20))
(set: $oppJab1 to (random:1,5))
(set: $oppJab2 to (random:6,7))
(set: $oppJab3 to (random:8,9))
(set: $oppJab4 to (random:10,16))
(set: $oppJab5 to (random:17,26))
(set: $oppJab1c to (random:1,10))
(set: $oppStraight1 to (random:4,17))
(set: $oppStraight2 to (random:18,25))
(set: $oppStraight3 to (random:26,50))
(set: $oppStraight1c to (random:3,19))
(set: $oppLHook1 to (random:4,13))
(set: $oppLHook2 to (random:14,18))
(set: $oppLHook3 to (random:19,40))
(set: $oppLHook1c to (random:3,17))
(set: $oppBPunch1 to (random:4,10))
(set: $oppBPunch2 to (random:11,18))
(set: $oppBPunch3 to (random:19,30))
(set: $oppBPunch1c to (random:3,17))
(set: $oppLKick to (random:1,3))
(set: $oppLKick1c to (random:1,2))
(set: $oppBKick1 to (random:4,11))
(set: $oppBKick2 to (random:12,23))
(set: $oppBKick3 to (random:24,36))
(set: $oppBKick1c to (random:3,22))
(set: $oppTKick1 to (random:2,10))
(set: $oppTKick2 to (random:11,14))
(set: $oppTKick3 to (random:15,16))
(set: $oppHKick1 to (random:3,17))
(set: $oppHKick2 to (random:18,27))
(set: $oppHKick3 to (random:28,70))
(set: $oppHKick1c to (random:2,26))
(set: $oppFKnee1 to (random:16,26))
(set: $oppFKnee2 to (random:27,76))
(set: $oppFKick1 to (random:17,27))
(set: $oppFKick2 to (random:28,70))
(set: $oppSBFist1 to (random:18,23))
(set: $oppSBFist2 to (random:24,45))
}"No ref, no! That's not on! NOOO!!"(set: $defeat to 'ass')
You're not sure what you're complaining about.
But complaining to the ref makes you feel like a WWE wrestler.
Which is a positive.
[[Show respect to opponent]]
[[Storm off]]"Useless, weak, pathetic, weak, PATHETIC!"(set: $defeat to 'no mas')
You know you could have done better, that's what hurts the most.
You weren't taking things seriously enough.
You were too relaxed mentally.
(if: $stareAgg < 45)[
That stare-off you did was an absolute joke.
](if: $stareAgg > 70)[
You got too confident because of the stare-off.
]The finest margins make the biggest differences in this game.
[[Show respect to opponent]]
[[Storm off]]
"That's the game. That's the game." (set: $defeat to 'class')
People better appreciate the class act I'm pretending to be.
[[Show respect to opponent]]
[[Storm off]]{(display: "Round time")
(set: $escape to (random: 1, 100))
<!-- clinch result -->
}{(if: ($escape is <= 20) and ($oppHold is not 'yes')) [
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 1")
](if: $escape is > 20 and $escape is <= 40) [
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 1")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 2")
](if: $escape is > 40 and $escape is <= 60) [
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 1")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 2")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 3")
](if: $escape is > 60 and $escape is <= 80) [
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 1")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 2")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 3")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 4")
](if: $escape is > 80) [
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 1")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 2")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 3")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 4")
(display: "Defend Opp Ground and Pound 5")
(if: $clinch is 'Neutral')[
](if: $clinch is not 'Neutral')[
[[Defend->Defend Full Mount]]
[[Escape Attempt->Escape]]
](display: "Health")
(display: "Stats"){
(set: $oppHold to 'no')}{<!-- end of round -->
(set: $fight to 'on')
(set: $moves to it +4)
}(display: "Round time"){
(set: $survive to (random:1,100))
(set: $survive to ($survive - $oppSubDiff + $oppStrDiff - $oppStaminaDiff))
}(if: ($survive > 50) and ($fight is 'on'))[
He's looking to do some ground and pound!
[[Defend->Defend Full Mount]]
[[Escape Attempt->Escape]]
(set: $clinch to 'defendMount')
(if: ($survive <= 50) and ($fight is 'on'))[
He's going for a submission!
(display: "Survive")
{(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 30))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 30 and <= 50))[
You block the strike.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 50 and <= 75))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 3,4))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 75 and <= 85))[
Good shot through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 5,6))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 85 and <= 98))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 6,10))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 98))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 11,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
{(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 12))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 12 and <= 52))[
You block the strike.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 52 and <= 76))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 3,4))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 76 and <= 84))[
Good shot through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 5,6))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 84 and <= 90))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 7,10))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 90))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 11,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
{(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 14))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 14 and <= 50))[
You block the strike.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit is 51))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 7,10))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit is 52))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 11,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 52 and <= 75))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 3,4))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 75 and <= 85))[
Good shot through your guard.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 5,6))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 85 and <= 98))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 7,10))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 98))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 11,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
{(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 16))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 16 and <= 50))[
You block the strike.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 50 and <= 52))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 7,10))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 52 and <= 54))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 11,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 54 and <= 75))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 3,4))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 75 and <= 85))[
Good shot through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 5,6))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 85 and <= 98))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 7,10))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 98))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 11,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
{(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 5)
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 16))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 16 and <= 50))[
You block his strike.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 50 and <= 53))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 4,8))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 53 and <= 56))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 9,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 56 and <= 75))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 1,2))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 75 and <= 85))[
He caught you with a good one.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 3,4))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 85 and <= 98))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 4,8))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 98))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 9,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
(display: "Round time")
<!-- clinch result -->
}{(if: ($clinch is 'defendMount') and ($fight is 'on')) [
(set: $defend to (random: 1, 100))
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on') and $oppStamina < 20) [
(display: "Opp Hold")
](if: $defend <= 20) [
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 1")
](if: $defend > 20 and $defend <= 40) [
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 1")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 2")
](if: $defend > 40 and $defend <= 60) [
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 1")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 2")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 3")
](if: $defend > 60 and $defend <= 80) [
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 1")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 2")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 3")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 4")
](if: $defend > 80) [
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 1")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 2")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 3")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 4")
(display: "Opp Ground and Pound 5")
(if: $clinch is 'Neutral')[
](if: $clinch is not 'Neutral')[
[[Defend->Defend Full Mount]]
[[Escape Attempt->Escape]]
](display: "Health")
(display: "Stats"){
(set: $oppHold to 'no')}
{(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 3)
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 20))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 20) and ($oppSubHit <= 50))[
You block the strike.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 50) and ($oppSubHit <= 75))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 2,3))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 75) and ($oppSubHit <= 85))[
Good shot through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 3,5))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 85) and ($oppSubHit <= 98))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 5,8))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 98))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 8,25))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
(display: "Round time")(display: "KO")
}{(set: $fight to 'on')
(set: $moves to it +4)
(set: $staminaAffect to it +2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it + 4)
}(display: "Round time")
{(set: $oppSubHold to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHold to ($oppSubHold + $oppWrestDiff + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff))
(if: $oppSubHold is <= 25 and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Oh, you've managed to escape from the hold!->Fight]]
}(if: $oppSubHold is > 25 and ($fight is 'on'))[He holds you down as he gets his breath back.
[[Defend->Defend Full Mount]]
[[Escape Attempt->Escape]]
(set: $clinch to 'defendMount')
(set: $oppHold to 'yes')
(display: "Health")
(display: "Stats")
{(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral'))[(set: $moves to it + 1.5)(set: $staminaAffect to it - 3)]
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 22))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 22) and ($oppSubHit <= 52))[
You block the strike.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 52) and ($oppSubHit <= 76))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 4,5))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 76) and ($oppSubHit <= 84))[
Good shot through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 6,7))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 84) and ($oppSubHit <= 90))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 8,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 90))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 12,40))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
{(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral'))[(set: $moves to it + 1.5)(set: $staminaAffect to it - 3)]
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $subDiff + $staminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 24))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 24) and ($oppSubHit <= 50))[
You block the strike.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit is 51))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 8,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit is 52))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 12,40))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 52) and ($oppSubHit and <= 75))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 4,5))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 75 and <= 85))[
Good shot through your guard.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 6,7))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 85) and ($oppSubHit <= 98))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 8,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 98))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGriphit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 12,40))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
{(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 3)
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 26))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 26 and <= 50))[
You block the strike.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 50 and <= 52))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 8,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 52 and <= 54))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 12,40))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 54 and <= 75))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 4,5))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 75 and <= 85))[
Good shot through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 6,7))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 85 and <= 98))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 8,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 98))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 12,40))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
{(set: $moves to it + 1.5)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
(set: $oppGriphit to 0)
(set: $oppSubHit to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppSubHit to ($oppSubHit + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppGriphit))
<!-- clinch result -->
(if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit <= 26))[
You escape the mount!
(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'None')
(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:7,11))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 26 and <= 50))[
You block his strike.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 50 and <= 53))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 4,8))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 53 and <= 56))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 9,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 56 and <= 75))[
He sneaks a strike through your guard.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 1,2))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 75 and <= 85))[
He caught you with a good one.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 3,4))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 6)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 85 and <= 98))[
Big shot gets through.
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 4,8))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
](if: ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($oppSubHit > 98))[
Huge ground and pound!
(set: $oppGripHit to it + 2)
(set: $headDamage to it + (random: 9,30))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 7)
}{(set: $reaction to it + $oppStaminaDiff + $oppWrestDiff + $oppSubDiff + $oppClinchStrength + $powerDifference)
(if: ($opponentAttack is 'Push') and ($reaction is < 50))[He tries to push you off of him but fails.
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Push') and ($reaction is >= 50))[He pushes you away.
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Hit') and ($reaction is < 40))[You block his hit.
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Hit') and ($reaction is >= 40 and < 70))[He gets a hit in.
(set: $headDamage to it + (random:1,5))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 2)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Hit') and ($reaction is >= 70 and < 90))[That's a good elbow he catches you with!
(set: $headDamage to it + (random:6,25))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Hit') and ($reaction is >= 90 and < 110))[He gets you with a nice knee up the middle!
(set: $bodyDamage to it + (random:6,15))
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:6,15))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Hit') and ($reaction is >= 110))[A shoulder strike has you hurt!
(set: $headDamage to it + (random:20,35))
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 5)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($clinch is 'underhooks'))[Your underhooks are stifling his attack.
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($reaction is <= 5) and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded'))[He takes you down but you get him in a guillotine!!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -6)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
(set: $position to 'Grounded')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'sub')
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($reaction is >= 6 and <= 50) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded'))[You stuff his takedown.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -8)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it -1)
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($reaction is >= 51 and <= 80) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded'))[He gets you down and is in full mount.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -10)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(set: $clinch to 'sub')
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Takedown') and ($reaction is >= 81) and ($oppPosition is 'Standing') and ($clinch is not 'underhooks') and ($position is not 'Grounded') and ($oppPosition is not 'Grounded'))[He takes you down with a big power slam!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it -13)
(set: $oppEveryAttack to it +1)
(set: $position to 'Grounded')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $clinch to 'defendTake')
(set: $staminaAffect to it - (random:1,20))
(set: $bodyDamage to it + (random:1,30))
(set: $headDamage to it + (random:1,40))
](if: ($opponentAttack is 'Breath') and ($oppPosition is 'Standing'))[He smother's your work and tries to catch a breath.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it +8)
]}(set: $agg to 15)[Your approach is aggressive.
[[Fight]] ](set: $agg to - 15)[Your approach is defensive.
[[Fight]] ](set: $agg to 0)[Your approach is balanced.
[[Fight]] ]{(if: $headHealth is < 1)[This looks like it is over!!(set: $headHealth to 0)(set: $fight to 'off')]}{(set: $round1damage to ($oppHeadDamage + $oppBodyDamage / 1.5))
(set: $round1control to ($ringcontrol))
(set: $round1points to ($round1damage + $round1control))
(set: $oppround1damage to ($headDamage))
(set: $oppround1control to ($oppringcontrol))
(set: $oppround1points to ($oppround1damage + $oppround1control))
} (if: $round1damage > $oppround1damage)[This guy is taking it waay too seriously. Look at him, he's seething!
](if: $oppRound1damage > $round1damage)[What the *** was that ******* ****!
](if: $round1 is 'yes')[(set: $round1damage to ($oppHeadDamage + $oppBodyDamage / 1.5))(set: $round1control to ($ringcontrol))(set: $round1points to ($round1damage + $round1control))]
Round 1 Damage: $round1damage
Round 1 Control: $round1control
Round 1 Points: $round1points
(if: $round2 is 'yes')[(set: $round2damage to ($oppHeadDamage - $round1damage))(set: $round2control to ($ringcontrol - $round1control))(set: $round2points to ($round2damage + $round2control))]
Round 2 Damage: $round2damage
Round 2 Control: $round2control
Round 2 Points: $round2points
(if: $round3 is 'yes')[(set: $round3damage to ($oppHeadDamage - $round2damage))(set: $round3control to ($ringcontrol - $round2control))(set: $round3points to ($round3damage + $round3control))]
Round 3 Damage: $round3damage
Round 3 Control: $round3control
Round 3 Points: $round3points
(if: $round1 is 'yes')[(set: $oppround1damage to ($headDamage))(set: $oppround1control to ($oppringcontrol))(set: $oppround1points to ($oppround1damage + $oppround1control))]
Round 1 Damage: $oppround1damage
Round 1 Control: $oppround1control
Round 1 Points: $oppround1points
(if: $round2 is 'yes')[(set: $oppround2damage to ($headDamage - $oppround1damage))(set: $oppround2control to ($oppringcontrol - $oppround1control))(set: $oppround2points to ($oppround2damage + $oppround2control))]
Round 2 Damage: $oppround2damage
Round 2 Control: $oppround2control
Round 2 Points: $oppround2points
(if: $round3 is 'yes')[(set: $oppround3damage to ($headDamage - $oppround1damage - $oppround2damage))(set: $oppround3control to ($oppringcontrol - $oppround1control - $oppround2control))(set: $oppround3points to ($oppround3damage + $oppround3control))]
Round 3 Damage: $oppround3damage
Round 3 Control: $oppround3control
Round 3 Points: $oppround3pointsAll that training, all that hard work.
Fighting doesn't always go the way you want it to.
But neither does lovemaking.
[[Blame referee]]
[[Blame yourself]]
[[Accept defeat]]"Good job buddy."
Dundee: "I'm a big fan, god bless you, pleasure being in combat with you sir."
Bless him, he's a nice guy really.
[[Hit him->Unsanctioned fight]]
[[Appreciative wink]]
(if: $defeat is 'class')[
Nothing better than someone pretending to be classy and then falling apart.
Classic heel move!
[[End of demo]]
](if: $defeat is 'ass')[
I can't be here right now.
I need to get my head right.
Fuck everyone and everything.
I'm not letting this happen again.
[[End of demo]]
](if: $defeat is 'no mas')[
This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
I need to start taking things more seriously.
[[End of demo]]
]A soft fluttering of one of my eyelashes, somehow makes me feel slightly more dominant.
[[End of demo]] [[Punch->P1]] - Punch your opponent.
[[Kick->K1]] - Kick your opponent.
[[Wrestle->W1]] - Wrestle your opponent.
(set: $headHealth to it +10)
[[Your Stats]]
Stamina: (round: $stamina)%
Head Health: (round: $headHealth)%
Body Health: (round: $bodyHealth)%
Left Leg Health: (round:$leftLegHealth)%
Right Leg Health: (round: $rightLegHealth)%
[[Opponent Stats]]
Stamina: (round: $oppStamina)%
Head Health: (round: $oppHeadHealth)%
Body Health: (round: $oppBodyHealth)%
Left Leg Health: (round: $oppLeftLegHealth)%
Right Leg Health: (round: $oppRightLegHealth)%{
(set: $straight1 to (random:1,6))
(set: $straight2 to (random:7,14))
(set: $straight3 to (random:15,22))
(set: $straight4 to (random:23,35))
(set: $straight to ($confidence + $footDiff + $straight + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack + $staminaDiff))
(if: $straight and <= 17)
[You're nowhere near with an overhand right.
(set: $opponentAttack to (either:'Jab','Strike'))
(set: _oppCounter to it + 25)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: $straight >= 18 and <= 34)
[Your right hand misses.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: $straight >= 35 and <= 44)
[He dodges your right hand.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(if: $straight >= 45 and <= 50)
[Your right hand whizzes by his face.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 51 and <= 60)
[He blocks your blocks your right hand.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 61 and <= 74)
[Your right hand sneaks through.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 75 and <= 94)
[You catch him with a clean right hand.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 95 and <= 101)
[You hit him with a big right hand!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight3 + $damageDifference)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: $straight >= 102 and <= 500)
[He's down from a huge right hand!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $straight4 + ($damageDifference * 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -4)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
The ref and other fighters rush in to break it all up.
"The most efficient of movements is the one that is unexpected; the best of plans is the one that is unknown" - Sun Tzu
[[End of demo]]
{(set: $staminaDiff to ($stamina - $oppStamina))
(set: $newClinch to 'No')
(set: $clinch to 'neutral')
}{(set: $takedown to (random: 1,100))
(set: $takedown to ($takedown + $wrestDiff + $staminaDiff + $clinchStrength))
(if: ($takedown is <= 5) and ($fight is 'on'))[He reads your sloppy takedown attempt and ends up on top!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $clinch to 'survive')
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(if: ($takedown is >5 and <= 35) and ($fight is 'on'))[You shoot for a takedown but he sprawls well and scrambles free!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'true')
(set: $oppSubHealth to 100)
(set: $oppSubDamage to 0)
(set: $subHealth to 100)
(set: $subDamage to 0)
(set: $squeeze to 0)
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(if: ($takedown is > 35 and < 65) and ($fight is 'on'))[He stifles the takedown and you end up in a clinch.
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $clinch to 'defendGrap')
(set: $newClinch to 'Yes')
(if: ($takedown is >= 65 and < 98) and ($fight is 'on'))[You have him down and you're in full mount!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,15))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to it + (random:1,9))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random:1,4))
(set: $clinch to 'fullMount')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(if: ($takedown is > 98 and < 110) and ($fight is 'on'))[You take him down with a powerful slam!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,20))
(set: $oppBodyHealth to it + (random:1,30))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + (random:1,40))
(set: $clinch to 'fullMount')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
](if: ($takedown is >= 110) and ($fight is 'on'))[You slam him on his head! It looks like this is all over!
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - (random:5,20))
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + 100)
(set: $clinch to 'fullMount')
(set: $oppPosition to 'Grounded')
(set: $fight to 'off')
(set: $moves to it + 3)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 15)
(set: $stamina to (100 + $staminaAffect))
The ref and other fighters rush in to break it all up.
"The most efficient of movements is the one that is unexpected; the best of plans is the one that is unknown" - Sun Tzu
[[End of demo]]{
(set: $hKick1 to (random:1,15))
(set: $hKick2 to (random:16,25))
(set: $hKick3 to (random:25,65))
(set: $hKickc to (random:1,40))
(set: $hKick to ($confidence + $footDiff + $hKick + $speedDiff + $strDiff + $everyAttack))
(if: $hKick and <= 50)
[A wild attempt at a head kick makes a wooshing sound.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(if: ($hKick >= 51 and <= 105))
[Your head kick misses.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(if: ($hKick >= 106 and <= 172))
[He leans back, as your head kick goes by.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(if: ($hKick >= 173 and <= 234) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Your head kick is blocked and it hurts.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +3)
(if: ($hKick >= 173 and <= 234) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He defends your head kick and it hurts.
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +3)
(if: ($hKick >= 235 and <= 282) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Your kick is blocked but it rattles his head slightly.
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +1)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(if: ($hKick >= 235 and <= 282) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[He blocks but the force of the kick pushes through and shakes him up.
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick1 + ($damageDifference / 3))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +1)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -7)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(if: ($hKick >= 283 and <= 297) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[That's a big head kick, he can't take too many of them!
(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($hKick >= 283 and <= 297) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[That head kick gets through, his legs look a little shaky!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick2 + ($damageDifference / 2))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(if: ($hKick >= 298 and < 500) and ($stance is 'Orthodox'))
[Huge head kick and down he goes!!(set: $rightLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
(if: ($hKick >= 298 and < 500) and ($stance is 'Southpaw'))
[Wow, massive head kick has him down!!
(set: $oppHeadDamage to it + $hKick3 + ($damageDifference))
(set: $leftLegDamage to it +2)
(set: $staminaAffect to it -9)
(set: $everyAttack to it +1)
(set: $oppPosition to 'grounded')
The ref and other fighters rush in to break it all up.
"The most efficient of movements is the one that is unexpected; the best of plans is the one that is unknown" - Sun Tzu
[[End of demo]]You tap, it's over!
It was the smart thing to do, but you still feel like a chump.
They already thought you weren't tough enough.
[[Response to loss]]
(set: $counterAttack to 'off')(set: $strDefence to 80)[[Fight]]{(display: "Jab Set-up")
(if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($oppHeadHealth is <= 20) and ( $dundeeDefensive is 0)) [He's in big trouble and just looking to survive!
(display: "Dundee Survival")
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Survival")
](if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($oppStamina is <= 40) and ( $dundeeDefensive is 0)) [He's looking tired!
(display: "Dundee Survival")
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Survival")
](if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($headHealth is < 20) and ($oppHeadHealth is > 20) and ($dundeeAgg is not "Survival") and ( $dundeeAggression is 0)) [He sees you're in trouble and is coming in for the finish!
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Attack")
(display: "Dundee Attack")
](if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($oppStamina is > 85) and ($oppHeadHealth is > 20) and ($dundeeAgg is not "Survival") and ( $dundeeAggression is 0)) [He's coming forward aggressively!
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Attack")
(display: "Dundee Attack")
](else-if: ($Opponent is 'Dundee') and ($dundeeAgg is not "Survival") and ($dundeeAgg is not "Attack")) [
(display: "Dundee Standard")
(set: $dundeeAgg to "Standard")
(if: ($Opponent is 'The Kid')) [(display: "The Kid Attack")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Eze')) [(display: "Eze Attack")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Magovos')) [(display: "Magovos Attack")]
(if: ($Opponent is 'Pete')) [(display: "Pete Attack")]
{(set: $survival to (random: 1,100))
(set: $getUp to 'yes')
(set: $survival to ($survival + ($toughness - 70) - $accumalative))
}(if: $survival > 50)[You somehow manage to get up!
(set: $headDamage to 90)
What heart you are showing!
](if: $survival <= 50)[You have nothing left to give, it's over!
You tried valiantly to get up but to no avail!
(display: 'Response to loss')
(set: $accumalative to it + 25)
{(set: $fight to 'on')
(display: "Health")
(set: $oppGripChange to (random: 1,100))
(set: $oppGripChange to ($oppGripChange + $oppSubDiff + $oppStaminaDiff))
(set: $moves to it +2)
(set: $oppStaminaAffect to it - 4)
(set: $staminaAffect to it - 4)
}(display: "Round time"){
<!--Grip fight loss-->
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[His grip is too strong, you've wasted energy trying to escape!(set: $stamina to it - 15)]
(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[You fight his grip, but he is too strong and his grip has now tightened!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Exceptional')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[You fight his grip, but he somehow tigthens his grip!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Great')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[You fight his submission, but make a mistake and his grip has now tightened!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Good')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $oppGripChange >= 30))[You fight his grip, but sloppy technique now means he has a tighter hold!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Average')
<!--Grip fight win-->
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor' and $oppGripChange < 30))[(set: $clinch to 'Neutral')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Average' and $oppGripChange < 30))[You loosen his grip, now's your chance to attempt an escape!(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Poor')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Good' and $oppGripChange < 30))[You manage to loosen his grip.(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Average')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Great' and $oppGripChange < 30))[You fight his grip, and manage to loosen it slightly.(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Good')
](if: ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional' and $oppGripChange < 30))[You fight his tight grip, and somehow manage to loosen it slightly.(set: $oppSubGripStatus to 'Great')]
<!--Sub Defense-->
(if: $fight is 'on')[Grip Status: $oppSubGripStatus]
{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,15))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Average') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,25))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Good') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,35))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamagee + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Great') and ($fight is 'on'))
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
]}{(if:($firstSqueeze is 'true') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 15,60))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if:($firstSqueeze is 'false') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Poor') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,10))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Average') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,20))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Good') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 1,30))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Great') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 5,35))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
](if:($firstSqueeze is 'false') and ($oppSubGripStatus is 'Exceptional') and ($fight is 'on'))[
(set: $subSurvival to (random: 10,40))
(set: $subSurvival to ($subSurvival + $oppSubDiff / 2.5))
(set: $subDamage to ($subDamage + $subSurvival))
(set: $subHealth to (100 - $subDamage))
(if: ($subHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 0)]
{(set: $oppSubDifference to ($oppStamina - $stamina))
(set: $oppSubStamina to ($oppStamina + $oppSubDifference))
(set: $oppSubSqueeze to 10)
(set: $oppStaminaDamage to ($oppStaminaDamage + $oppSubSqueeze))
(set: $oppSubHealth to ($oppSubStamina - $oppStaminaDamage))
(if: ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $oppSubHealth to 0)]
(if: ($subHealth < 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1))[(set: $subHealth to 1)]
}(if: ($clinch is not 'oppSub') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[You escape the submission!->He escapes the submission!]]]
(if: ($clinch is 'oppSub') and ($fight is 'on'))[Opponent's Submission Stamina: (round: $oppSubHealth)
Your Resistance: (round: $subHealth)]
{(set: $squeeze to it +1)
{(set: $oppStamina to ($oppStamina - $squeeze * 3.5))
(if: ($subHealth < 1) and ($oppSubHealth > 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Tap out]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($subHealth > 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[You've managed to escape!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
(if: ($subHealth is 1) and ($oppSubHealth < 1) and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[You've escaped when all seemed lost! Incredible!->He escapes the submission!]](set: $clinch to 'Neutral')]
}(if:($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[ [[Escape Attempt]]
[[Fight Grip]]]
{(if: ($oppSubGripStatus is not 'Poor') and ($clinch is not 'Neutral') and ($fight is 'on'))[
[[Focus on Breathing]]]}
(display: "Stats")
(set: $firstSqueeze to 'false')(set: $oppGripHit to 0)
{<!-- end of round -->
(if: $moves is > 50 and ($fight is 'on') and ($round1 is 'yes'))[That's it, it's the end of the fight!
[[Corner]](set: $fight to 'off')(set: $opponentAttack to 'n/a')(set: $jab to 10000)
](if: $moves is > 70 and ($fight is 'on') and ($round2 is 'yes'))[It's the end of the round!
[[Corner]](set: $fight to 'off')(set: $opponentAttack to 'n/a')(set: $jab to 10000)
](if: $moves is > 110 and ($fight is 'on') and ($round3 is 'yes'))[It's the end of the fight!
(display: 'Corner')
Dundee: "I saw what you were trying to do. You're a tough nut to crack, I'll give you that."
[[You got that one]]
[[I got you there]]
{(set: $round1damage to ($oppHeadDamage + $oppBodyDamage / 1.5))
(set: $round1control to ($ringcontrol))
(set: $round1points to ($round1damage + $round1control))
(set: $oppround1damage to ($headDamage))
(set: $oppround1control to ($oppringcontrol))
(set: $oppround1points to ($oppround1damage + $oppround1control))
} (if: $round1damage > $oppround1damage)[That was tough, I did well there.
](if: $oppround1damage > $round1damage)[He was lucky it was only one round.
{[[Wait for result->1]](set: $fight to 'off')(set: $opponentAttack to 'n/a')(set: $jab to 10000)}(if: $round1damage > $oppround1damage)[Dundee: "If the other man is not laying there unconcsious, it is no-one's victory. We will settle this for sure before all things are done, believe me."
](if: $oppround1damage > $round1damage)[Dundee: "You did a good show, but you're lucky you survived. Next time you won't."
{[[Result]](set: $fight to 'off')(set: $opponentAttack to 'n/a')(set: $jab to 10000)}(if: $round1damage > $oppround1damage)[Dundee: "You got nothing you fool. Each one of my strikes will haunt your soul for the rest of your days."
](if: $oppround1damage > $round1damage)[Dundee: "You will not be able to speak after the next one."
{[[Result]](set: $fight to 'off')(set: $opponentAttack to 'n/a')(set: $jab to 10000)}The decision is done by the viewers, not the ref. This whole thing is going to end up as one big popularity contest, I know it.
{(set: $round1damage to ($oppHeadDamage + $oppBodyDamage / 1.5))
(set: $round1control to ($ringcontrol))
(set: $round1points to ($round1damage + $round1control))
(set: $oppround1damage to ($headDamage))
(set: $oppround1control to ($oppringcontrol))
(set: $oppround1points to ($oppround1damage + $oppround1control))
} (if: $round1damage > $oppround1damage)[You can hear the ref getting the result through his earpiece, but it's too muffled to make out. He's squeezing your forearm a bit harder now though. OH WOW, I WON IT!
](if: $oppround1damage > $round1damage)[You can hear the ref getting the result through his earpiece, but it's too muffled to make out. He has more fans anad did better, so my chances are slim. Yeah, of course, his hand is raised.
](if: $round1 is 'yes')[(set: $round1damage to ($oppHeadDamage + $oppBodyDamage / 1.5))(set: $round1control to ($ringcontrol))(set: $round1points to ($round1damage + $round1control))]
Round 1 Damage: $round1damage
Round 1 Control: $round1control
Round 1 Points: $round1points
(if: $round2 is 'yes')[(set: $round2damage to ($oppHeadDamage - $round1damage))(set: $round2control to ($ringcontrol - $round1control))(set: $round2points to ($round2damage + $round2control))]
Round 2 Damage: $round2damage
Round 2 Control: $round2control
Round 2 Points: $round2points
(if: $round3 is 'yes')[(set: $round3damage to ($oppHeadDamage - $round2damage))(set: $round3control to ($ringcontrol - $round2control))(set: $round3points to ($round3damage + $round3control))]
Round 3 Damage: $round3damage
Round 3 Control: $round3control
Round 3 Points: $round3points
(if: $round1 is 'yes')[(set: $oppround1damage to ($headDamage))(set: $oppround1control to ($oppringcontrol))(set: $oppround1points to ($oppround1damage + $oppround1control))]
Round 1 Damage: $oppround1damage
Round 1 Control: $oppround1control
Round 1 Points: $oppround1points
(if: $round2 is 'yes')[(set: $oppround2damage to ($headDamage - $oppround1damage))(set: $oppround2control to ($oppringcontrol - $oppround1control))(set: $oppround2points to ($oppround2damage + $oppround2control))]
Round 2 Damage: $oppround2damage
Round 2 Control: $oppround2control
Round 2 Points: $oppround2points
(if: $round3 is 'yes')[(set: $oppround3damage to ($headDamage - $oppround1damage - $oppround2damage))(set: $oppround3control to ($oppringcontrol - $oppround1control - $oppround2control))(set: $oppround3points to ($oppround3damage + $oppround3control))]
Round 3 Damage: $oppround3damage
Round 3 Control: $oppround3control
Round 3 Points: $oppround3pointsThe sun beats down on the dusty, cracked earth.
The atmosphere is thick with anticipation.
You’re standing on an open field—no arena, no crowd, just the faint smell of BO.
You take a slight step back from the group of fighters waiting for the draw.
You're not sure who it is that smells, but as a fighter, you feel a bit weak for tapping out in your head so quick.
(after: 1s)[ [[Continue]] ]There’s a sense of camaraderie here.
An unspoken bond dilutes the initial peacocking.
It won't last.
All eyes are on the referee as he pulls the first flag from the bag.
It's Cameroon.
Eze: "Okay, okay, I'll get the party started."
[[Size him up]]
[[Wait for the next flag]]Eze is a mountain of a man.
His muscles appear carved from stone, and his hands appear big enough to squish a vending machine to get a soda.
You consider how dangerously good he must be at neck massages.
He notices you sizing him up, and smiles.
Eze: "You are not ready for this test. I am your friend, I am honest with you."
[[Witty line]]
[[Aggressive stare]]You stand patiently waiting for the next flag.
You resisted the temptation to size Eze up for the fear of upsetting the big man.
The next flag is drawn.
It is the flag belonging to the United States of America.
Peter steps over to Eze and gives him one of those handshake hugs that friendly thugs do.
You think to yourself these two warriors are probably camping buddies.
Dundee: "That's a good fight. You know you best not get touched by that man Pete. Don't be decieved by that smile, yeah?"
Peter shadow boxes in an attempt to exert some nervous energy.
[[Size him up->S2]]
[[Wait for the next flag->W2]]"I may have left my pen at home, but at least I-"
Your witty line is interrupted by a hushed commotion, as the second flag has been drawn.
When you started speaking, you started a bit too quietly, and it seems noone even noticed you said anything at all.
The second flag drawn, is for the United States of America.
Peter steps over to Eze and gives him one of those handshake hugs that friendly thugs do.
You think to yourself these two warriors are probably camping buddies.
Dundee: "That's a good fight. You know you best not get touched by that man Pete. Don't be decieved by that smile, yeah?"
Peter shadow boxes in an attempt to exert some nervous energy.
[[Size him up->S2]]
[[Wait for the next flag->W2]] You decide to aggressively stare at him.
You believe this makes you look hard and is less risky than a witty line that randomly pisses him off.
A hushed commotion gathers, as the second flag has been drawn.
It is the flag belonging to the United States of America.
Peter steps over to Eze and gives him one of those handshake hugs that friendly thugs do.
You think to yourself these two warriors probably go camping together.
Dundee: "That's a good fight. Look at the size difference, my word. You know you best not get touched by that man Pete. Don't be decieved by that smile, yeah?"
Peter shadow boxes in an attempt to exert some nervous energy.
[[Size Peter up->S2]]
[[Wait for the next flag->W2]] Peter has the most aesthetic physique you've ever seen.
And his skin looks reassuringly smooth.
Like a hot cup of cocoa where the marshmallows have completely melted in, or something similarly tasty looking.
He doesn't notice you looking as he's already in fight mode mind.
You're not sure why you're reassured by his skin looking smooth.
You also wonder to yourself what does it mean that you really fancy a hot chocolate right now in this blistering heat.
The referee pulls another flag from the bag.
Sota steps forward, thumping his chest and hollering a war cry.
Dundee: "I wouldn't mind a bit of you Soto, I'd take you out nice and early!"
[[Size him up->S3]]
[[Wait for the next flag->W3]] You ignore the temptation to glare at the most aesthetic physique in the world.
You're here to fight, not admire pectoral symmetry.
There is a clear size discrepancy between these two gentlemen; one of the smallest vs the biggest of the group.
This tournament has no weight classes, which gives it an extra edge.
This really is a tournament to find the baddest man on the planet.
The referee pulls another flag from the bag.
The bag appears to be velvet and looks all lovely and soft.
Sota steps forward, thumping his chest and hollering a war cry.
Dundee: "I wouldn't mind a bit of you Soto, I'd take you out nice and early!"
[[Size him up->S3]]
[[Wait for the next flag->W3]] Sota looks like one of those characters in a Japanese TVs series that is going to over-act.
Like he's going to be all loud and obnoxious to make the serious characters seem more cool.
And he is.
Sota: "You fuck have bagpipes shoved up your arse!?"
Straight to racism and homophobia from Sota.
Although he did say it like it was a question.
Maybe he's just a concerned music lover.
The next flag is drawn, it's the UK.
[[Size him up->S4]]
[[Wait for the next flag->W4]] Sota is a bit unpredictable.
You decide it's best to avoid drawing his attention too much as he has a bit of a mouth on him and your feelings might get hurt.
Sota: "You fuck have bagpipes shoved up your arse!?"
Straight to racism and homophobia from Sota.
Although he did say it like it was a question.
Maybe he's just a concerned music lover.
The next flag is drawn, it's the UK.
[[Size him up->S4]]
[[Wait for the next flag->W4]] Brian is the new kid at school from a rich background.
Quiet, but self assured.
His wealth here doesn't come from money though, it comes from technique honed since birth.
His reputation precedes him through his work in the gym with some of the best coaches and fighters in the world.
Dundee: "I hope you got tested like everyone else; I know about your past with the Yakuza, and Rico's special cough syrup!"
What Dundee is alluding to here, is the thought that Sota is a steroid abuser.
Sota is an entrepeneur who made his name by knocking out various celebrities in unsanctioned events.
This whole thing is his baby, which has added some controversy to the whole event.
He is pretty much all of our bosses here, as it is his money funding this.
Sota steps forward to confront Dundee, only to be held back by Peter.
There's a bro energy bubbling, maybe a witty line might help ease the tension?
[[Witty line->WL2]]
[[Aggressive stare->AS2]]UK is Brian, the young kid.
No need to try to intimidate him.
You decide to wait for the next flag quietly, like a sophisticated knucklehead.
Dundee: "I hope you got tested like everyone else; I know about your past with the Yakuza, and Rico's special cough syrup!"
What Dundee is alluding to here, is the thought that Sota is a steroid abuser.
Sota is an entrepeneur who made his name by knocking out various celebrities in unsanctioned events.
This whole thing is his baby, which has added some controversy to the whole event.
He is pretty much all of our bosses here, as it is his money funding this.
Sota steps forward to confront Dundee, only to be held back by Peter.
There's a bro energy bubbling, maybe a witty line might help ease the tension?
[[Witty line->WL2]]
[[Aggressive stare->AS2]]"This reminds me of the time someone stole my Charizard shiny at school."
No response from anyone.
You think they heard it, you were definitely loud enough.
Maybe they didn't understand it.
Did it lack context?
Dundee: "That's it baby, who's in trouble then?!"
You look over, the Scottish flag has been drawn.
The energy shifts.
Atticus and Caio have not been drawn yet, and are two fighters who would be an interesting match up for Dundee.
Dundee seems to be pumped no matter who it is though.
The next flag comes out.
Ah, forgot about that possibility.
Of course, it's you.
[[Act crazy]]
[[Witty line->WL3]]
[[Aggressive stare->AS3]]You give an aggressive stare.
It's one of the best aggressive stares you've ever done.
Unfortunately, no-one is looking at you.
Dundee: "That's it baby, who's in trouble then?!"
You look over, the Scottish flag has been drawn.
This reminds you of that time you did a cracking Sean Connery impression, but no-one was around to hear it.
You haven't been able to do it since.
Dundee seems overly pumped to fight.
Mercy on the man who has to face that maniac.
The next flag comes out.
Ah, forgot about that possibility.
Of course, it's you.
(set: $aggressiveStare to 'yes')
[[Act crazy]]
[[Witty line->WL3]]
[[Aggressive stare->AS3]]"I'm going to take a part of your soul and feed it to my soul, so our souls are intertwined but mine is the more dominant one!"
I mean, that did sound crazy.
Dundee comes for me now, but some of the fighters step in the.. wait... no-ones stopping him..
[[Defend]]"If you fart, will it make a bagpipe sound?"
Sota laughs.
You suddenly love Sota.
That's all you need when you crack a joke; one laugh.
Man, Sota is the man.
Dundee comes for me now, but some of the fighters step in the.. wait... no-ones stopping him..
[[Defend]](if: $aggressiveStare is 'yes')[See, it's not there anymore!
That's madness, why did your eyebrows become concerned?!
Crazy how much harder it is to do somethingwhen people are paying attention.
](if: $aggressiveStare is 'no')[An aggressive stare in any normal setting is seen as an act of provocation, but in the fighting world it is a fairly neutral stance.
It's the average person's handshake with a slightly tight squeeze.
]Dundee: "I can see you're afraid little boy. Look at your knees, they're shaking."
You're not sure that they were shaking, but now he's drawn attention to it, it feels like they are shaking.
You try to stop the shaking by shaking them the other way, but this just seems to exasperate the shaking.
Dundee closes the distance between you and leans his head into yours.
[[Lean your head back in]]
[[Defend]]You give him a shove before Peter steps in to break it up.
It's good to have Peter here.
He is like everyone's mother and he smells nice.
[[Broken up]]You step back before Peter steps in to break it up.
Dudee: "That's what I thought, all talk. This place is for real fighters, you shouldn't be here."
You shake your head in a dismissive way, but he's right.
You shouldn't be here.
You don't even like fighting but you need the money.
Not even for an honourable reason, like an ill relative, or to build a well in your hometown.
You just want to be able to do stuff, like go Curzon once in a while and shop at Waitrose.
[[Broken up]]You lean your head back in and Dundee pushes you away.
You wonder why no-one has stepped in yet to stop this.
You're just about to have another multiple choice situation, when Peter finally steps in to break it all up.
It's good to have Peter here.
He is like everyone's mother and he smells nice.
[[Broken up]]You suddenly realise the reason no-one immediately stepped in to stop your confrontation is because another scuffle kicked off.
The scuffle was between Caio and Atticus.
You're not sure what their problem is, but you think to yourself they shouldn't be so self involved and let you have your moment of attention.
You then realise, they are the two names left in the draw, which means they are the final fight.
You then question to yourself, are you too self involved?
You do narrate your life in your head like a story, so you probably are.
[[Size up Atticus]]
[[Size up Caio]]
[[Size up Dundee]]There is a bit of podge on Atticus, which might make you think he doesn't have much of a gas tank.
But this man has gas thanks to a mainly protein diet, and fights like a tank.
His forearms and calves are worryingly large, in a way it makes you feel he has some kind of an unfair advantage.
You imagine it would be good to talk to him about life and stuff.
You probably shouldn't, because you're all here to fight etc, but you're pretty certain it would be good.
[[Tension]] Caio is built for endurance.
He has a long, lean body, and a battle scarred face that has either taken a lot of hits or suffered teenage acne.
He's the kind of guy that has no quit.
He looks like a killer, acts like a killer, and probably is a killer.
He's also a super chill podcast guest, who has some great anecdotes about his pet turtles.
Dundee walks around like he owns the place, and that's probably because he normally does.
He's the only one here who doesn't need the money; his background as a superstar boxer means he has made enough to set himself up for life.
He's here, it seems, because he genuinely loves fighting.
Marvin Hagler once said "It's hard to go to sleep when you're wearing silk pyjamas."
I've never understood that saying.
The referee guestures for Eze and Peter to make their way to a centre spot in the field.
Eze, calmly steps forward, looking like a T-800.
Peter follows, executing movement drills at the same time.
There is added tension in this match up, as this is bare knuckle mma.
Eze has never fought bare knuckle before but already carries extraodinary power with gloves on.
There is an honest fear in Peter's eyes as they do a final face off.
Honestly, this shouldn't be allowed, Eze is too big wtf.
Damn, I hate fighting.
Eze: “No need for words, my friend. Let’s let the fight speak for us.”
Pete doesn’t answer, only nods.
Good bless you Peter, or Pete, whatever your name is.
The ref gestures for them to step back and then for the fight to begin.
Nervous anyone?
[[First fight]]
Eze throws two wild hooks.
He hits nothing but air.
Peter is light on his feet and focusing on his movement.
Eze throws a jab that is blocked.
Peter sneaks in a leg kick.
Eze puts his hands down and moves forward.
[[Analyze Peter]]
[[Analyze Eze]]
[[Watch Dundee]]Peter is too smart to fall for any tricks and steps back.
He throws a feint before following up with a swift low kick.
Eze: "You are fast for sure."
Peter doesn't respond, he is super focused right now.
Eze throws a slow jab.
Peter feints.
Eze feints, then throws a big right hook that misses wildly.
Peter is not biting on the feints, everything he does is on his own terms.
[[Anaylze Peter->P2]]
[[Analyze Eze ->E2]]
[[Watch Dundee->D2]]Eze is trying to goad Peter into throwing hands.
Peter is not biting and instead throws a feint before following up with a swift low kick.
Eze: "You are fast for sure."
Peter doesn't respond, he is super focused right now.
Eze throws a slow jab.
Peter feints.
Eze feints, then throws a big right hook that misses wildly.
Eze is throwing slow to draw out an attack from Peter and then attempting to land big.
[[Anaylze Peter->P2]]
[[Analyze Eze ->E2]]
[[Watch Dundee->D2]]This guy is immersed in this fight; while I'm watching him.
Doesn't seem like he's even giving me a second thought.
Some people are so confident, it's crazy to me.
He could at least give me a side glance or something.
I wonder if he's even seen any footage of me fighting.
Knowing him, he probably has.
The man is obsessive.
[[Anaylze Peter->P2]]
[[Analyze Eze ->E2]]
[[Watch Dundee->D2]]Peter is trying to tempt Eze to throw big so he can counter.
He's always looking for patterns to exploit with counters.
Peter feints.
Peter catches him with a low kick.
Eze throws a slow low kick before throwing a huge right straight.
Peter reads it beautifully, slips inside and throws a shot to the body that connects well!
Peter steps back out of range but Eze catches him with a glancing kick to the body and Peter goes down!
Huge power by Eze!
Eze steps in to finish but the ref stops the fight!
[[Reaction]] Eze is getting frustrated by Peter already.
After he throws big, he needs a bit of time to recover his energy.
Peter feints.
Peter catches him with a low kick.
Eze throws a slow low kick before throwing a huge right straight.
Peter reads it beautifully, slips inside and throws a shot to the body that connects well!
Peter steps back out of range but Eze catches him with a glancing kick to the body and Peter goes down!
Huge power by Eze!
Eze steps in to finish but the ref stops the fight!
At least with him there are no secrets.
Everyone knows how he fights already.
He likes to start fast and predict how he will knock you out.
The crazy thing is, it normally works.
Not sure if it's because he makes you over think it, or if he genuinely knows the best way to finish you.
He looks like - oh shit - Peter goes down!
Wow, what happened?!
Eze steps in to finish but the ref stops the fight!
[[Reaction]] The ref warns Eze back and gives Peter space to recover.
He believes the strike was low and deducts a point from Eze!
Eze: "It wasn't low. Referee, it wasn't low. Do we have video?"
The referee shakes his head, and Eze walks over to Sota.
Eze: "Can we see the video? This is live stream right?"
Sota shakes his head.
Sota: "No video in real fight."
Caio: "No ref in a real fight either. Low blows count in a real fight too."
Sota: "This is the rules you want."
Caio: "I don't want no rules homie."
[[Rules are for wimps]]
[[We need rules]]
[[Stay quiet- Quiet]]"Rules are for wimps, this an arena for gladiators, we make our own rules."
Caio points at you.
Caio: "He gets it."
A warm fuzzie feeling fills up inside, as some validation hits your sweet spot.
You are close to welling up, this is actually sad.
"We need rules, I don't want to lose because someone cheats."
You look around, half-expecting some fighters to agree but are meant with general disdain.
Caio: "There's no rules in the streets."
Dundee: "This one has never had a proper fight in his life, trust me! It's 20 oz gloves or no sparring for him!"
The other guys laugh very generously.
It hurts extra because it's true.
[[Act crazy->AC2]]
[[Witty line->WL4]]
[[Aggressive stare->AS4]] "I will lose before I cheat, but I will die before I fail. Do you hear me? I WILL DIE BEFORE I WILL FAIL!"
Dundee: "Actually, keep wearing the big gloves buddy. You can't afford to lose any more."
No-one is listening to us, as they're paying attention to Eze and Peter.
It seems the fight has been stopped!
Eze and Peter have embraced, and are walking over to the group.
There is friction there that didn't exist before.
I presumed this would eventually happen, after all; the winner of this tournament takes home £100m.
There are no friends in big business.
Except for Harley and Davidson.
Ben and Jerry's.
The whole muppets cast.
Scratch that, there are plenty of friends in big business.
[[Continue->C3]] "That's because I have something to protect up there."
That was a zinger!
Noone reacted but I'm happy with that.
What's happened here then?
Eze and Peter have embraced, and are walking over to the group.
Has the fight been stopped then?
There is friction there that didn't exist before, so something has happened.
I presumed they would eventually fall out, after all; the winner of this tournament takes home £100m.
There are no friends in big business.
Except for Harley and Davidson.
Ben and Jerry's.
The whole muppets cast.
Scratch that, there are plenty of friends in big business.
[[Continue->C3]] You stare aggressively but he's no longer looking your way.
You've got to start timing your stares better.
It feels weird to stare on your own, so you casually avert your stare away, as if a stare was never even there.
Oh wait - it seems like the fight has been stopped!
Eze and Peter have embraced, and are walking over to the group.
What the heck happened??
Whatever it was, they're not so friendly, friendly now.
I presumed this would eventually happen, after all; the winner of this tournament takes home £100m.
There are no friends in big business.
Except for Harley and Davidson.
Ben and Jerry's.
The whole muppets cast.
Scratch that, there are plenty of friends in big business.
[[Continue->C3]] Eze walks over to Peter.
Eze: "It wasn't low my friend."
Peter laughs in pain.
Peter: "It was low."
Eze: "It wasn't low."
Peter looks to the ref.
Peter: "I can't continue."
The ref waves off the fight!
[[Reaction->R2]] Eze walks over to Peter.
Eze: "It wasn't low my friend."
Peter laughs in pain.
Peter: "It was low."
Eze: "It wasn't low."
Peter looks to the ref.
Peter: "I can't continue."
The ref waves off the fight!
[[Reaction->R2]] Eze and Peter embrace, and are walking over to the group.
There is friction there that didn't exist before.
I presumed this would eventually happen, after all; the winner of this tournament takes home £100m.
There are no friends in big business.
Except for Harley and Davidson.
Ben and Jerry's.
The whole muppets cast.
Scratch that, there are plenty of friends in big business.
[[Continue->C3]] Eze: "There is too much money on the line for this to be the decision."
Peter: "I don't care about the money, honestly."
Caio: "If you need the ref to save you, guess, what? You lost."
Peter: "I'll accept that if you show me that in the rule book."
[[Books are for nerds and virgins]]
[[Go check the video Sota]]
[[Stay silent]]
"Books are for nerds and virgins."
Caio: "Don't be dumb, books are cool."
Comedy is a hard game.
I was sure that was a banker.
I suppose I forgot most fighters are nerds.
Nerds with attitude, back pimples and post-Turkey hairlines.
Sota: "I will look to see if I can find video. Do next fight while I look."
Shame I was looking forward to Sota's fight with Brian.
Who's the next fight then?
Dundee: "It's me and you now kid. Nowhere to hide."
Oh yeah.
It's me.
[[Fight time]]"Go check the video Sota."
Sota: "I will. Do next fight while I look."
Shame I was looking forward to Sota's fight with Brian.
I guess I literally asked for it.
Who's the next fight then?
Dundee: "It's me and you now kid. Nowhere to hide."
Oh right.
It's me.
[[Fight time]]Someone once told you not to get involved in things.
Things will resolve themselves on their own, they said.
Sota: "I will look to see if I can find video. Do next fight while I look."
Makes you think about life in general, doesn't it?
What's the point of anything if your existence is inconsequential to the story?
Dundee: "It's me and you now kid. Nowhere to hide."
Oh right.
It's me.
[[Fight time]]He's strolling to the centre like a bull, snarling and posturing.
Dundee: "I'm going to crumple you to the ground within in a minute. Enjoy the light before the dark."
[[Time to focus]]{
(set: $Opponent to 'Dundee')
(set: $oppSpeed to 85)
(set: $oppPower to 86)
(set: $oppToughness to 78)
(set: $oppConfidence to 10)
(set: $oppFootwork to 89)
(set: $oppStrAttack to 95)
(set: $oppStrDefence to 81)
(set: $oppWrestAttack to 80)
(set: $oppWrestDefence to 82)
(set: $oppSubAttack to 80)
(set: $oppSubDefence to 78)
(set: $counterAttack to 'off')}The world has gone quiet, except for your screams,
The physical pain is multiplied by the that this is probably the end of your career.
What will you do now?
This is too many emotions to take in at once.
Other fighters and the ref gather round.
A medical professional appears from nowhere to tend to the injury.
The cameras are still rolling, this whole thing is insane.
A lifetime of dedication, only to end up in debt and disabled.
That's fighting.
Some other's would consider this lucky.
[[End of demo]]
"I'm not someone you can do in under a minute."
He looks dejected and doesn't respond.
Was that a good line?
Kind of makes me sound like a date that expects more in the bedroom.
Ah damn, that's what I said now, that's it forever.
[[End of demo]]You look over at your opponent.
He is disorientated and devastated.
"Good fight. I was most nervous about fighting you, I'm a big fan,"
Dundee: "Thank you, god bless you brother."
Fighting is good at this.
War one second, and then the next... potential best friend?..
Dundee: "But just know I'm going to get this one back."
Or maybe not...
[[End of demo]]Game demo by Amir Khoshsokhan
You're about to pass out when the ref steps.
The worst start to the tournament possible.
A part of you is disappointed that the ref stepped in.
You feel you deserve the punishment of losing consciousness.
[[Response to loss]] You decide to remain focused, and not look him in the eye.
It feels like he has gained some confidence from this, as he lets out a cackle.
You don't care though, you remain focused on yourself.
(set: $oppFootwork to 91)
[[Ready yourself]]{(set: $stares to (random: 0,3))
(set: $stareAgg to (random: 1,100))
(set: $stareAgg to ($stareAgg - $stares))
}(if: ($stares > 1) and ($stareAgg < 45))[
You know what you've done, you've done too many stares today.
You're not stare-fresh.
He's staring all over you and you are low on stare confidence.
Not a good star(e)t.
(set: $everyAttack to it -3)
](if: ($stares <= 1) and ($stareAgg < 45))[
This guy is dominating the stare off.
You should have just looked away and focused on yourself.
He's obviously been training his stares in the mirror, whilst you've been singing love songs into a hairbrush.
You only have Michael Bolton to blame.
(set: $everyAttack to it -3)
](if: ($stareAgg >= 45) and ($stareAgg <= 70))[
Two guy's in their prime staring each other down.
Macho o macho.
Neither backing down.
Adrenaline pumps through your veins, as a mutual appreciation for each other builds.
This is it.
This is what your fate has been leading you to.
](if: ($stares > 1) and ($stareAgg > 70))[
Out of nowhere, you're doing the best stare you've done all day.
This is an incredible stare.
He's almost startled by your intensity, and to be honest, so are you.
There's a chink in his armour and you've never felt more ready!
(set: $everyAttack to it +5)
](if: ($stares <= 1) and ($stareAgg > 70))[
You have gone into this stare fresh and you are feeling the benefits!
He has been staring at things all day, whereas you've been more glancing if anything.
He's caught out by your intensity and this just bulids your confidence more.
This is going to be a good fight!
(set: $everyAttack to it +4)
[[Ready yourself]]
The ref gestures for you both to step back.
Dundee: "A minute."
The ref signals for the fight to start...
{(set: $round1 to 'yes')
(if: $round1over is 'yes')[(set: $round1 to 'no')]
(set: $round2 to 'no')
(if: $round2start is 'yes')[(set: $round2 to 'yes')]
(if: $round2over is 'yes')[(set: $round2 to 'no')]
(set: $round3 to 'no')
(if: $round3start is 'yes')[(set: $round3 to 'yes')]
(if: $round3over is 'yes')[(set: $round3 to 'no')]
(set: $round4 to 'no')
(if: $round4start is 'yes')[(set: $round4 to 'yes')]
(if: $round4over is 'yes')[(set: $round4 to 'no')]
(set: $round5 to 'no')
(if: $round5start is 'yes')[(set: $round5 to 'yes')]
(if: $round5over is 'yes')[(set: $round5 to 'no')]